- Contra pestem 抗疫论
- Per contra I don't ask her to forget but to remember. 相反,我不是要她忘记,而是要她记住。
- The female is generally drab, the male per contra brilliant. 一般来说雌性是黄褐色的,而雄性是色彩鲜明的。
- Contra it is open to a Kshatriya to serve. 相反地,安贝卡更关心的是社会课题。
- He's all steamed up about losing the contra ct. 他因合同吃了亏而大发雷霆。
- Consider the problems of the teenager contra those of the adult. 考虑与成年人问题相反的青少年问题。
- The female is generally drab,the male per contra brilliant. 一般来说雌性是黄褐色的,而雄性是色彩鲜明的。
- Contra” is a master of the fighting spirit and guerrilla tactics. 魂斗罗”是指具有崇高战斗精神和掌握极高游击战略的人。
- In response, the United States organised the Contra guerrillas. 作为回应,美国组织了反政府游击队。
- The female is generally drab, the male per color=# cc0066> contra brilliant. 一般来说雌性是黄褐色的,而雄性是色彩鲜明的。
- The well bred contradict oth er people. The wise contra? dict themselves. 绅士与他人发生冲突,智者与自己发生冲突。
- Soul Doo 3D Magic - Green Corps, a bit Contra feeling, look and play! 3D魂斗魔-绿色兵团,有点魂斗罗的感觉,玩玩看!
- These costs and charges may include bank charges, deposition charges and contra losses. 该费用和收费包括银行费用、存款费和抵消损失。
- By contra st, no vitreous liquefaction was found and only one eye showed confined partial PVD in the control group. 对照组仅1只眼形成非常局限的PVD。
- Until closing, this account is classified as a contra account to Retained Earnings. 在结帐之前,这一帐户一直作为“保留盈利”的备抵帐户。
- Coordinate and resolve with GSP on contra settlement issues and with airfreight customers on billing and collection issues. 协调和解决GSP的对应结算帐目和空运客户处理应收帐单与付款的事项。
- The chip space movement contrail is studied systematically, and its initial movement contra il model is acquired. 建立了切屑在形成过程中与障碍物(工件及刀具)表面的约束方程。
- A hero for shooting beautiful adventure game, play and move like Contra recommended. 一款主角为穿着旗袍的美女射击冒险游戏,玩法及动作酷似魂斗罗,推荐。
- The accumulated depreciation shall be presented as the contra account of the fixed asset. 备抵折旧应列于固定资产下的抵销科目。