- Research of Airiness System by Constant Flux Control 恒流量控制通风系统的研制
- Constant flux control 恒流量控制
- With a steady flow of improvements and bug fixes to existing software, the open source world is in constant flux. 随着对现有软件的改进和bug修复,开源世界的变化永无止境。
- Unlike the stable genetic code of DNA, many epigenetic marks are in constant flux. 不同于DNA上头稳定的基因编码,许多外遗传标签经常会发生变动。
- The etheric web and energy vortexes of the earth are in constant flux and motion to adjust to the needs of the planet. 地球的乙太网路和能量旋涡,是稳定的变迁并调整行星的需求。
- They daily build an immense distributed document, one that is under eternal construction, constant flux, and fleeting permanence. 人们日复一日建造着一个巨大的分布式文档,一个处于不停建造,连续变化,短暂永恒状态下的文档。
- Abstract: This article covers the principle of an inverter using a magnetic flux control PWM algorithm and the implementing method by special MCU. 文摘:本文介绍了旋转磁通PWM法变频调速的原理及采用专用单片机实现变频调速方案的优越性.
- With the interaction of the strong currents over the many reefs the topography is in a state of constant flux and development of new navigational hazards is swift. 藉由许多暗礁上强烈涌流的交互作用地质是新的航行危险的持续不断出现情形和发展是迅速的。
- Fear not: The rules of job seeking are in constant flux, and employers are looking for an impressive candidate, even if his or her credentials are unorthodox. 不必担心的是,求职规则总是处在不断的变化中,尽管你的资格证明书不合乎正统,只要能给人留下深刻印象,雇主就会看上你。
- A new kind of an active reactor with continuous adjustable inductance and resistance is studied based on the magnetic flux control theory in this paper. 研究了一种基于磁通控制原理的电感和电阻连续可调的有源电抗器。
- During the research, a simple PWM method with direct flux control (DFC-PWM) and a novel identification method (NIM) for parameters using least square theory are proposed. 在进行该研究的过程中,提出一种简化的DFC-PWM法,能够有效改善输出转矩的性能;
- In order to resolve the problem of the flux control set of unfitting GMP demand in largeinfusion filling machine for soft packaging,modication is needed. 为解决现用的软包装大输液灌装机流量控制装置不符合GMP要求的问题,对软包装大输液灌装机进行改进。
- Referring first to the equation of the shunt motor shows that the downwards slop of the speed/torque curve is directly proportional to the armature resistance with constant flux and voltage. 并励电动机(机械特性)方程表明:若磁通和电压恒定,则向下倾斜的转矩/速度曲线的斜率是直接与电枢电阻成正比的。
- All neurons, whether they reside in the hypothalamus or elsewhere, maintain a constant flux of charged ions across their cell membranes via donut-shaped proteins called ion channels. 所有神经元,无论他们居住在下丘脑或其他地方,保持恒定通量的电荷离子在其细胞膜通过甜甜圈形状的蛋白质称为离子通道。
- This type of heat transfer is commonly used in oil refinery processes to met the high temperature requirements of most processes, plus the necessary high heat transfer rate and heat flux control, and for ease of decoking. 这种类型的热量转化普遍应用于石油炼制过程,其目的是满足大部分炼油过程对高温的需要,以担高热转化速度,实现热流量控制,并使除焦工作与更为容易。
- General influences of flux control and error control on communication performance are studied in this paper. Stop and Wait protocol and continuous ARQ protocol are mainly analyzed, and the relation between channel occupancy and frame size is discussed. 研究了流量控制和差错控制对通信性能的综合影响 ,着重分析了停止 -等待协议和连续 ARQ协议的优缺点 ,讨论了信道利用率和帧长的关系。
- His wife was a constant inspiration to him. 他的妻子经常鼓励他。
- steady state stability limit with constant flux 恒定磁时静态稳定极限
- One of the fuzzy controllers functions as speed controller, while the other two function as magnetic thrust controller and magnetic flux controller respectively. 1个模糊控制器作为速度控制器,另外2个模糊控制器分别作为电磁推力控制器和磁链控制器。
- A Flux Control System Based on Single Chip 基于单片机的流量控制系统