- Conservative Baptist Missio 北美浸信宣道会
- Students from Conservative Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School presented their community design for Kai Yip Estate. 浸信宣道会吕明才小学上午校的同学介绍他们的设计?安居乐业在启业。
- Students from Conservative Baptist Lui Ming Choi Primary School acted as the steel cable of the Tsing Ma Bridge and used chairs to imitate vehicles on it. 浸信宣道会吕明才小学上午校同学以椅子作道具,扮演青马大桥上的车辆;两旁为同学扮演的青马大桥钢缆。
- A graduate from Northwestern Bible College and Dallas Theological Seminary, he has also been awarded a Doctorate of Divinity from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. 他毕业于西南圣经学院及达拉斯神学院,获西部浸信会神学院颁授神学博士学位。
- Conservative Baptist Association of America 美国保守浸礼协进会
- The Baptist will hold a ceremony this Sunday. 这个星期天浸信会教友将要举行一场典礼。
- The man turned from Radical to Conservative. 这人从激进派变成了保守派。
- He was very conservative in the estimate. 他的这一估计很保守。
- The committee is of a/has a conservative bias. 委员会有一种保守的偏见。
- Two Conservative MPs went over to the Liberals. 有两名保守党议员转至自由党一边。
- He broke with the Conservative Party over Europe. 因在欧洲问题上看法不同,他脱离了保守党。
- Opinion polls forecast a Conservative landslide. 民意测验预示保守党有获得压倒性多数票的可能。
- The Conservative Party won 230 seats in Parliament. 保守党在议会获得了230 个席位。
- His conservative views made him unpopular. 他保守的观点使他不受欢迎。
- The Conservative Party is now in power. 现在由保守党执政。
- She is conservative in the way she dresses. 她在衣著上很保守。
- He made a conservative guess at the population of London. 他对伦敦的人口作了一项保守的估计。
- A Nonconformist chapel, especially a Baptist or Methodist one. 非英国国教的礼拜堂基督新教徒的教堂,尤指浸信会或卫理公会教徒
- A mission is sent to Africa by the Baptist church. 浸礼教会派了一个传教团去非洲。
- The miraculous effect of medical herbs has raised some conservative eyebrows. 草药的奇效简直使一些思想保守的人瞠目结舌。