- Ex-situ conservation measures can be explored. 可尝试采种育苗作迁地保育。
- Ex-situ conservation measures could be explored. 可尝试迁地保育。
- Simultaneously has given one unique detailed system antijamming measure and the system energy conservation measure. 同时给出了一种独特的详细的系统抗干扰措施和系统节能措施。
- Fuel conservation measures are still in their infancy. 燃料节约工作仍在初创阶段。
- Ensures effective energy conservation measures in areas of operations. 确保酒店运营区的有效能量供给。鈥?
- Prevention of theft scarcely constitutes conservation, but one section of the 1891 act, which empowered the President to set aside forest reserves, was a genuine conservation measure. 法制偷盗并不等于保护资源,而1891年法案的一个条款给总统留出储备林的权利,这才是真正的资源保护措施。
- Various conservation measures have transformed the formerly bare hillsides and slopes into areas with plants of local and introduced species. 本港在采取各项自然护理措施后,以往是不毛之地的山坡,现已种植了本地及外来植物。
- Seed collection for propagation or other ex-situ conservation measures could be explored. 可尝试采种育苗,及作迁地保育。
- The above-mentioned regulation for carrying out investigations or conservation measures shall be determined by the NPA. 进行前项调查或实施各项保育措施之办法,由中央主管机关定之。
- The good they have done for me is beyond measure. 他们对我所做的好事简直无可估量。
- This booklet describes the biology, habits, local status of Green Turtles and conservation measures carried out in Hong Kong. 本书简述了绿海的生物学资料及绿海在本港的情况。
- If the Administration won't take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures. 如果现政府不采取立法措施,国会应该帮助着手制定保护措施。
- By a conservative measure of a 35% reduction in the YBOCS, 46% responded at one year after surgery. YBOCS降低35%25的保守估计中,46%25的患者在手术后一年产生反应。
- "If we can't contain the CO2 problem and enact strong coral reef conservation measures, we will lose them," says Carpenter. “如果人类不能解决CO2含量升高的问题并加强保护珊瑚的措施,人类将会失去它们,”卡彭特说。
- Calculations are made as to the benefits that can be expected to accrue from an area of land once the conservation measures have been installed. 然而,人们对土壤保持直接带来的产量增加以及其它农场经营的进步(例如使用改良品种和肥料)带来产量增加的程度的认识不足。
- The runoff and sediment yield is affected by the process of rainfall and the function of water and soil conservation measurement. 弃土场区域内产流受到降雨特征和水保措施功能发挥的影响。
- The model can not only separate the effect of soil and water conservation measures on variation of river basin runoff amount. 研究表明,在佳芦和秃尾河流域,水土保持使流域径流量平均减少10%25~22%25。
- If the Administration won't take the legislative initiative, Congress should help to begin fashioning conservation measures . 如果政府不争取立法上的主动权,国会就应该帮助政府开始采取保护措施。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- water and soil conservation measure 水保措施