- Isn't there a famous Mausoleum of Genghis Khan? 不是有一个很有名的成吉思汗陵吗?
- Conquests of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗的征战(1190-1227)
- Her politics are somewhere to the right of Genghis Khan. 她的政治观点属于极右。
- Genghis Khan's Conquest of the States in Hexi 成吉思汗对河西诸州的攻克
- And the troops of Genghis Khan had fought all the way to the outskirts of Moscow. 元朝的成吉思汗还一直打到莫斯科郊外。
- In 1258, the Abbasid dynasty was invaded by the Mongols under Hulagu Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. 一二五八年,成吉思汗的孙子旭烈兀可汗率领蒙古军队进侵阿拔斯王朝。
- The Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, the cenotaph of Genghis Khan, is located in Ordos City. 鄂尔多斯市是成吉思汗陵和成吉思汗纪念碑的所在地。
- Mughal power is mighty indeed, as befits the children of Genghis Khan and his Mongol hordes. 作为成吉思汗的及其蒙古部落的后代,莫卧儿帝国的力量毫无疑问是强大的。
- Mongolian Argun valley is the birthplace of Genghis Khan is also the all-powerful over the ancient battlefield. 额尔古纳河流域是蒙古族的发祥地,也是成吉思汗叱咤风云过的古战场。
- While the Mughal emperors are the descendants of Genghis Khan, their history has changed them. 虽然莫卧儿的皇帝们都是成吉思汗的子孙,他们的历史仍然改变了他们。
- Longyan in the mountains built a covering 2,500 square meters of Genghis Khan Park. 在龙岩山上建有一座占地2500平方米的成吉思汗公园。
- This veneration of Genghis Khan is partly traditional in Mongolia, where most revere their ancestors and where he is considered the father of the nation. 对成吉思汗的崇拜在蒙古一部分是因为传统:蒙古人非常敬重祖先,而成吉思汗是蒙古的开国始祖。
- They first appeared as nomadic tribes in northeastern Mongolia in the 5th century. Some joined the armies of Genghis Khan. 鞑靼人最早出现于公元5世纪蒙古东北部的游牧部落中,后来一部分人加入了成吉思汗的军队。
- At the same time can also visit the world's biggest rare earth mine - mine and Bayan Obo, younger brother of Genghis Khan - Ha Saer Festivals Church. 同时还可参观世界最大的稀土矿山--白云鄂博矿山和成吉思汗胞弟--哈萨尔祭奠堂。
- In the game you want to ride your horses, your flexibility in the use of weapons, to assist the occupation of more sites of Genghis Khan. 在这款游戏你要乘坐你的战马,灵活运用你的武器,协助成吉思汗占领更多的地盘。
- In 1260, Kublai, the grandson of Genghis Khan, succeeded to the position of khan, and decided on Dadu (today's Beijing) as his capital. 公元1260年,忽必烈(成吉思汗的孙子)继承了汗位,建都大都(今北京)。
- High-quality beautiful graphics,large ramose task systerm,all give you a brand new feel of Genghis Khan's illustrious life! 高质量的画面,多支的任务系统,都将让你对成吉思汗辉煌的人生有一个新的体验!
- A descendant of Genghis Khan and Timur, he came from a tribe of Mongol origin but was Turkish in language and upbringing. 他是成吉思汗(Genghis Khan)和帖木儿(Timur)的后裔,虽来自蒙古部落,却是说土耳其语,在土耳其的环境下成长。
- They succeeded in the conquest of the city. 他们成功地征服了这座城市。
- According to the customs of the Mongols, the seventeenth day of the third moon each year is the day to celebrate the military genius and exploits of Genghis Khan. 按照蒙族习俗,每年农历3月17日,是庆祝成吉思汗卓越的军事才华和建立赫赫战功的日子。