- The Congressional Research Service Reports DOE Information Bridge. 提供美国政府工作报告的题目、作者和主题词,无摘要。
- As the Congressional Research Service puts it, U.S. Consumers face a "cable and telephone broadband duopoly. 由於国会研究服务的说法,美国消费者面对"有线电话、宽带双寡头"
- His government service also includes work for the Office of U. S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and the Congressional Research Service. 他在政界的服务还包括为参议员Daniel Patrick Moynihan做事,以及国会研究服务等。
- Ken Katzman, a South Asia and Middle East analyst at the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, says U.S. pressure forced Pakistan to act. 非党派组织美国国会研究服务部的南亚及中东问题研究员卡茨曼说,美国的压力迫使巴基斯坦采取行动。
- The House Rules Committee hosts an indispensable site that gathers together the Congressional Research service reports on the legislative process. 众议院规则委员会主办了一个必不可少的网站,汇集国会研究服务中心关于立法的过程。
- An Iran affairs analyst at the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, Ken Katzman, says the Iranian leadership is essentially stalling for time until a new U. 但问题的关键是,伊朗核谈判仍然毫无进展。
- "While nanotechnology may hold great promise,some scientists contend that the field's definition is too vague and that much of its'hype'may not match the reality of present scien tific speculation",noted a Congressional Research Service report last year. “虽然纳米前景看好,一些科学家认为纳米技术的定义太模糊,大部分有关它的宣传与目前科学的推测并不相符”,国会研究部门的报告指出。
- But Ken Katzman, an Iran analyst at the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, says the United States is clearly letting Britain take the lead on the seizure of their service members. 他说,“我不相信有人会把演习和营救英国船员联系起来,我们的海军仅仅是在世界各地都在进行的演习而已。”
- But Ken Katzman , an Iran analyst at the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, says the United States is clearly letting Britain take the lead on the seizure of their service members. 但是无党派的国会研究部门的伊朗分析家表示,美国无疑是让英国在救回被劫持服役海员的事件上起主要作用。
- An Iran affairs analyst at the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, Ken Katzman, says the Iranian leadership is essentially stalling for time until a new U.S. president is elected. 美国无党派的“国会研究服务处”的伊朗事务分析家肯.;卡兹曼说,在美国新总统选出之前,伊朗领导层基本上不会做出反应。
- But Ken K, an Iran analyst at the nonpartisan congressional research service, says the United States is clearly letting Britain take the lead on the seizure of their service members. 我相信任何人都不会把我们一直在世界各地进行的军事演习跟这次英国海军被捕事件联系起来。”
- Congressional Research Service 国会研究机构
- A 2007 report (pdf) by the Congressional Research Service lists various U.S. organisations that currently provide U.S. taxpayer dollars to Tibetan exile organisations. The summary says: 2007年的一份由国会研究处发布的报告列出了不同的美国机构,使用美国纳税人的钱来资助西藏流亡政府。总结中写道:
- However, scientists with the Agricultural Research Service are studying lycopene levels in watermelon. 然而,农业研究署的科学家们正在研究西瓜中的番茄红素含量。
- Agricultural Research Service scientists in Oklahoma grew and studied thirteen kinds of watermelon. 俄克拉荷马州农业研究署的科学家们种植了13种西瓜,并对它们进行研究。
- Nicholas Makris;Stephen Ausmus/Agricultural Research Service, USDA;Alan K.Outram;D.B. 按出现顺序排列的启谢人像: Alex Aravanis 和 Karl Deisseroth/Stanford;
- The Arboretum is administered by the U.S.Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service. 其主要任务就是进行研究、教育以及保护各种植物来改善环境建设。
- The descriptions of work by the department's Agricultural Research Service can be complex. 由农业部的研究服务部门来描述这些工作可能会变得复杂。
- But they used the same joint research service to gravitate positions that were based on better evidence and more objective analysis. 但是这些议员使用同样的研究服务,并根据更有说服力的证据和更加客观的分析改变立场。
- Because of its, important biological properties, resveratrol has been examined extensively in grapes by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS). 农业研究所(ARS)的研究人员发现,葡萄中含有大量的白藜芦醇这类生物活性成分。