- Confucius Institutes have got off to a roaring start. 孔子学院的发展自草创以来一路高歌猛进。
- All representatives related their experiences in managing Confucius institutes and brainstormed ideas about future development. 各位代表在论坛上分享了各自的办学经验,又集思广益为孔子学院的未来发展出谋划策。
- A number of Confucius institutes have been established in the SAARC region and a few more will come up in the years to come. 南盟地区已经建立了一些孔子学院,在未来的几年中还会再建立几所孔子学院。
- Confucius Institutes have got off to a roaring start.The first was established in Tashkent in Uzbekistan in June 2004, the 75th in Cracow in Poland exactly two years later. 从2004年7月第一个孔子研究会在乌兹别克的塔什干成立,到两年后第75个孔子研究会在波兰的克拉科成立,孔子研究会迎来了开门红。
- China has set up cultural centers in France, Malta, Germany, Spain and other European countries and established more than 60 Confucius Institutes in Europe. 中国在法国、马耳他、德国、西班牙等欧洲国家开设了文化中心,并在欧洲开设了60多所孔子学院。
- The UNSW Confucius Institute officially opened on 30 July 2009. 新南威尔士大学孔子学院于2009年七月三十日正式落成。
- According to Madame Xu, this program is going to be broadcast in all Confucius institutes, providing overseas students with a comprehensive perception of the Chinese language and culture. 她强调,这一片子将拿到全球各孔子学院播出,让孔子学院的学生通过这一片子对中华语言文化首先有一个感性的、综合的认识。
- Hanban claims that the primary role of the Confucius Institutes is to teach Chinese, but their name is also evocative of China's former influence in Asia, and its growing presence now. 汉办称,孔子学院的首要任务是汉语教学,但是它们的名字也让人想起了中国在亚洲曾经拥有的影响力及其越来越重要的地位。
- CRI first launched the On-air Confucius Institute in December, 2007. 2007年12月,中国国际广播电台创办广播孔子学院。
- GU-PC Confucius Institute is not the first, but it should and can be the best. GU与PC的孔子学院不是最早的,但它应该而且可以成为最好的。
- The Confucius Institute of La Rochelle, France holds photo exhibition. 法国拉罗谢尔孔子学院举办摄影展。
- This institute has become the first Confucius Institute in dle East. 圣约瑟夫大学孔子学院成为中东地区首家孔子学院。
- Two academics from Shanghai Jiao Tong will be based at the Confucius Institute at UNSW. 上海交通大学的两个学院将成为新南威尔士大学孔子学院的基础。
- China and Togo Tuesday signed an agreement to set up a Confucius Institute at the University of Lome. 17日,中国和多哥有关方面签署在多哥首都洛美合建洛美大学孔子学院的协议。
- The Confucius Institute of Paris Diderot University recruited the first group of students in October, 2006. 巴黎狄德罗大学孔子学院于2006年10月开始招收第一批学员。
- China and Jorda inked a Memorandum of Understanding on establishment of the first Confucius Institute in the kingdom. 中国与约旦签订协议,将在约旦建首个孔子学院。
- Thirdly,BUU widely publicizes Lampeter Confucius Institute in the whole university among teachers and students. 第三,我校在全校教师和学生中广泛宣传兰彼得孔子学院。
- The Confucius Institute at Okayama Shoka University pays equal attention to language teaching and cultural activities. 冈山商科大学孔子学院在搞好语言教学的同时举办了各种各样的文化活动。
- Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang granting the plaque of Confucius Institute to the President of Canterbury University. 中国国务院副总理李克强向坎特伯雷大学校长授孔子学院牌匾。
- On January 30, 2008, Hanban approved JXNU to establish the Confucius Institute at Antananarivo University. 2008年1月30日,国家汉办批准江西师范大学与塔那那利佛大学合作建设孔子学院。