- How can our city flourish when Confucian values are completely ignored by the nobility? 当人们都把孔子的典籍当成故纸堆来看的时候,我们的城市只能陷入破败。
- A Qingdao official, for instance, has said that the Confucian values Dalian has been learning from Singapore have become irrelevant in the information age. 该市一位政府官员就认为,大连学习的新加坡儒家价值观在信息时代已经过时。
- A Qingdao official,for instance,has said that the Confucian values Dalian has been learning from Singapore have become irrelevant in the information age. 该青岛政府官员就认为,大连学习的新加坡儒家价值观在信息时代已经过时。
- Some South Korea's teens and 20-somethings are throwing off the Confucian values of thrift and self-sacrifice to become the nation's most influential consumer force. 一些韩国十几岁和二十来岁的年轻人正抛开节俭和自我牺牲的儒家传统,成为这个国家最有影响的消费群体。
- Such Confucian values as meritocracy, compassion for those deprived of key social relations, harmony and civility do not fit neatly into the democratic/authoritarian dichotomy. 我们赞美的不是毛时代的反智主义,而是由文房四宝“笔、墨、纸、砚”描述的优雅的学者生活。
- Francis Fukuyama argues for the agreement between Confucian values and democracy, and Abdou Filali-Ansary finds a foundation for democracy in Muslim values. FrancisFukuyama探讨了儒家价值观和民主的一致性。AbdouFilali-Ansary在穆斯林价值观里找到了民主的基础。
- By contrast, claims Mr Jacques, imperial China's attachment to Confucian values of harmony meant its main concern was to keep order and social equality within its domains. 相比之下,雅克先生认为,封建社会的中国重视儒家和谐的价值观,意味着在其国内主要关注的是维持秩序和社会的平等。
- To Value Justics Above Material Gains: Confucian Value on Economy 重义轻利:儒家经济价值观
- On Confucian Value System and Traditional Value System 论儒家价值体系与传统价值体系
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- Offending family-orientated Confucian values, neither dried-fish woman nor herbivore man is much interested in romance, part of the reason why Korea's fertility rate is lamentably low. 鱼干女和食草男背离了以家庭为导向的儒家价值观,对浪漫没有多少兴趣,这在一定程度上可以解释为何韩国的生育率低得可怜。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- He criticizes Buddhism and Taoism and think that really value exists in the real life and answers the rationality of Confucianism values. 他通过扬弃佛、老的空、无价值观,把价值之真确立在“有”中,解决了名教价值的合理性问题;
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- I can take nothing you say at face value. 我不会把你说的话当真的。
- The experience gained will be of great value to us. 所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。
- A bauble is a showy ornament of little value. 廉价珠宝是华而不实的装饰品。
- Stamps can be redeemed at face value. 印花可以按面值换回现金。