- Confucian Law in Early Qing 先秦儒家法
- But in early Qing dynasty there's really such situation of misuse of decorations.Emperor Kangxi used kylin grain. 不过清早确有纹饰乱用的迹象,堂堂康熙大帝竟用麒麟纹。
- From dragon grains it should be in early Qing dynasty,of grassland style,but of lineal origin. 看龙纹应是清早期,风格草原化,但来源正统。
- Qian Zeng (1629-1701) was recognized as a famous bibliophile in early Qing Dynasty. 钱曾系清初著名藏书家。
- In early Qing Dynasty, Zheng's Government of Taiwan had turned to be a separatist regime which acted as a counterweight to Kangxi Empire. 清初台湾郑氏政权逐渐蜕变为与清政府相抗衡的地方割据政权,且日渐腐朽。
- In early Qing Dynasty, Zheng's Government Taiwan had turned to be a separatist regime which acted as a counterweight to Kangxi Empire. 摘要清初台湾郑氏政权逐渐蜕变为与清政府相抗衡的地方割据政权,且日渐腐朽。
- There are two special political systems in early Qing Dynasty, namely regent system and senior ministers assistant system. 摘要清初经历了叔王摄政、异姓大臣辅政的两种特殊的政治体制。
- The Italian ministry of communications was expected to issue some guidelines on the law in early July, but this is now not expected until October. 人们原指望意大利通信部能于6月初就该法颁布一些指导意见,但最早也要等到10月份。
- The committee is considering the report's recommendations and the public comments,and is expected to submit its own report on the reform of Hong Kong's company law in early 2000. 委员会现正考虑研究报告的建议及公众的意见,预期会在二零零零年年初就香港公司法的改革提交报告。
- The sword is the rare Hekou Babao sword from mid earth in early Qing dynasty,but by the pics the scabbard which is matched afterward is obviously later than sword. 剑是稀有的清早期中原合口八宝剑,但从图片看鞘乃后配明显晚于剑,且鞘式是张扬昧俗西南风格的杂宝银鞘。
- In this paper,the image of on Chinese women in the eyes of Jesuits in Early Qing China is illuminated from the perspectives of dressing,hairstyle,clothes,character and so on. 评述清初在华耶稣会士对中国妇女的闭居、容貌、化妆、发式、衣着、品质诸方面的认识,丰富与完善了明清在华耶稣会士传教史的研究,拓展了人们对清初妇女生活的认识。
- He commenced studying law in 1988. 他於一九八八年开始学习法律。
- Bigamy is considered to be against law in many countries. 在许多国家里重婚都被看作是违反法律的。
- The historian group Cleaving to Ming Dynasty is the most important force in Early Qing privately history writing. The article researches on its composing, purpose and history characters. 摘要维护明王朝的史家群体是清初私家修史的核心力量,本文研究其人员构成情况、修史的用意及其修史的特征。
- In this area black frost usually comes first in early December. 这个地区通常在12月初开始出现严霜。
- Summer vacation normally starts in early July. 暑假一般在七月初开始。
- Have you a mind to study law in the future? 你将来打算学法律吗?
- The Saxon once settled in England in early times. 撒克逊人早期曾定居英格兰。
- He decided to test the law in his own person. 他决定以身试法。