- Composite Force Training 混合部队训练
- Therefore, the myo-strength and the explosive force training speaking of the basket player is a not allow to neglect link. 因此,肌力和爆发力的锻鍊对篮球员而官是不容忽视的一环。
- Hereon this basic, bring forward some pay attention to proceeding follow explosive force training, in order to provide reference gi... 并对影响爆发力主导因素进行分析,提出爆发力训练的注意事项,为促进爆发力的训练提供参考依据。
- NMES can fulfill the muscle force training with lower energy consuming, so it is practical helpful method before, during and po... NMES能以较低的体能消耗完成肌肉力量训练,适合作为常规训练前、中、后的辅助训练手段;
- By setting up the rational mechanical model and measuring the horizontal displacement to calculate the sample angle in composite force test, the problems of the sample angle measurement can be solved. 在复合力试验中,通过建立合理的力学模型,利用测量水平位移量计算管样角度变化,解决了试样角度无法直接测量的问题。
- Second, it is necessary to improve the knowledge and enthusiasms of drillmaster in the Police College because they are the persons directly affect the students physical force training. 第二,提高公安院校体能训练教官的积极性和加强警察体能训练专业知识培训和考核;
- Ultrasonic composite force field magnetic separator 超声复合力场磁选机
- Composite Force Requirements and Deployment System 合成部队要求和部署系统
- What is a commando with Special Forces training and the latest high tech bio-armor capable of? 什么的有训练的特殊的力量和最近的高技术简历盔甲的一名魔鬼司令是有能力的?
- Composite Force Requirements and Development System 合成部队要求和发展系统
- A harm, done to the horse through forced training, may not show in an hour or two, but perhaps months later, as a strain on a joint or ligament. 强迫的训练,对马的伤害不会在一两个小时内表现出来,但,可能几个月以后,马的关节韧带会变得僵硬。
- The agreement brings together Boeing's expertise in aviation training systems and CTI's experience in game-based simulations for ground forces training. 协议将波音公司在飞行训练系统方面的经验与CTI公司在用于地面部队训练的基于游戏的仿真方面的经验结合在了一起。
- Study the force training on women weight lifer 女子举重运动员力量训练初探
- characteristics of the specialized force training 专项力量训练特征
- resultant of forces;composite force 合力
- Rural Labour Force Training for Transfer 农村劳动力转移培训
- It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- Landing Force Training Command Atlantic 驻大西洋登陆部队训练司令部
- But they refused to bow to force. 但他们拒不向武力低头。