- Complex Open Giant System 复杂开放系统
- The informationalized construction system is an open complex giant system. 信息化建设是一个开放性的复杂巨系统。
- In allusion to the characteristics of the open complex giant system, an open multilevel hierarchic intelligent control system is established for the eco-industrial system. 摘要针对生态工业系统开放的复杂巨系统特点,提出了开放的多级递阶智能控制系统的设计方法。
- System engineering, systematics and open complex giant systems are three step of Qian's system thought and he has study system philosophy for a long time. 系统工程、系统学、开放的复杂巨系统理论是钱学森系统思想的三步曲,同时他还对系统哲学做了长期的探索。
- Compound-Agent can be used to construct the system with self-adaptability, rapider response and more intelligence, which adapts to the complex dynamic giant system better. 复合代理体可以方便地实现紧密协作、自我学习与共同进化,具有故障诊断和恢复能力,具有较高实时性、容错性和鲁棒性。 可以用于构造新型的具有自适应能力、更快反应速度和更高智能的系统,能更好地适应一类复杂动态大系统的要求。
- The causes and essence of the torsional oscillat ion of large turbogenerator which consider as a kind of complex open system was investigated by using nonlinear science theory. 将大型汽轮发电机系统作为一类复杂开放系统,基于非线性科学分析了该系统的动力学特性,论述了该系统轴系扭振的原因及其本质。
- Abstract: As known today, brain, one of a classic giant system, is characterized by open complexity.While mind, brain’s advances functional property, is irreducibility. 摘要: 人脑是目前所知具有开放复杂性特征的典型巨系统之一,而心智作为人脑的高级功能属性具有不可还原性。
- Urban traffic, w ith the complex characteristics of involving many subjects, crossing disciplines and having a large scale, is a CGS(Complex Giant System). 摘要 城市交通是一个复杂的巨系统,具有多学科、跨领域、规模巨大等复杂特性。
- As a complex giant system,introducing Geographic Information System to it will not only meet such a requirement but also serve as a powerful tool for supporting this system. 监测信息的综合分析是一个复合型的巨大系统,引入地理信息系统,不仅可满足上述需求,而且可作为支持该系统的有力工具。
- Complex Networks and a Kind of Open Complex Giant System 复杂网络与一类开放的复杂巨系统的探讨
- Research on Methodology of Open Complex Giant System 开放的复杂巨系统方法论研究
- A single giant system no longer runs all the applications in a typical organization. 在一个典型的组织总,一个单独的大型系统不再运行所有的应用。
- End of Peter Jackson shooting giant system "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy and "King Kong" after re-conversion style. 彼得杰克逊新的“可爱的骨头“第一次正式接触拖车,创造一个有吸引力的屏幕。
- The open heart surgery through small right thoracotomy incision is superior than that of median sternotomy in operative and cosmetic result ,but it is not a valuable method for complex open heart surgery. 右胸小切口行心内直视手术对一些简单的先天性心脏病有良好的手术和美容效果,但不适合较复杂的心脏手术。
- In country after country, companies such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Ahold have opened giant stores offering a wide variety of cheap snacks and soft drinks. 沃尔玛百货、家乐福和阿霍德等企业,在各国一家接著一家设立大型卖场,提供了各种平价零食和汽水。
- Open Complex Giant Systems in the Grid Computing 网格计算中的开放复杂巨系统
- When the complex opens in 2009, with a musical tribute to Elvis Presley, it will employ some 12,000 people. 该建筑群将于2009年开业,届时会有一场献给猫王艾尔维斯.;普莱斯利的音乐盛会,塔楼的员工队伍将达12000人。
- open complex giant system (OCGS) 开放的复杂巨系统
- Open complex giant system and its methodology 开放的复杂巨系统及其方法论
- complex giant system engineering 复杂巨系统工程