- Complex Fault Zones 复杂断裂带
- complex fault zone 复杂断裂带
- In view of the shallow burial depth and complex fault block structures in the slope zone in nor... 发现一大批含油圈闭,新增较大规模整装储量,该带成为河南油田“十五”乃至今后一个时期增储上产的重点地区。
- Any place within the fault zone could have breakage. 断层带内的任何地方都会有破裂。
- The Tan Lu Fault zone experienced intense thrusting since Neogene. 郯庐断裂带于新近纪以来呈现强烈的逆冲活动,使得先存的伸展性断层产生了一系列逆冲反转构造。
- This paper provides a reference for complex fault block fluvial sandstone oil reservoir well Logging interpretation, especial for those oil and water zone i... 这一解释实例可以为复杂断块河流相砂岩油藏,特别是油水间互、缺乏解释电性标准的油藏提供借鉴。
- As it is a fault zone, the landforms here have special features. 由于是断裂带,这里的地貌特征很特别。
- Anan oilfield is a typical low permeability complex fault block reservoir. 阿南油田属低渗透复杂断块油田,断层比较发育,构造极为破碎。
- The gouge of the fault zone may extend to depths of some kilometers. 断层区的断层泥可能伸展到若干公里的深度。
- This scheme is applicable to any complex fault scenarios and any detail element models of power system. 该方法可应用于任意复杂的故障场景和任意细节的电力系统元件模型。
- Design and Construction of Pile Foundation in a Rich Water Fault Zone. 富水断裂带上桩基设计与施工。
- The metallogenesis is strictly controlled by NE-trending shear fault zone. 成矿严格受NE向剪切断裂带控制。
- Measuring stress changes within seismically active fault zones has been a long-sought goal of seismology. 测量活动地震断裂带内的应力变化是地震学的长期努力目标。
- Linpan complex fault block oil field, after more than 20 years waterflood development, has already in high water cut period. 临盘复杂断块油田,通过20多年的注水开发,已进入高含水期。
- Along fault zones in particular, displacement may occur by slow, secular, differential slippage as well as by sudden rupture. 特别是沿着断层区,位移既可能以缓慢的,持久的、有差异的滑动发生,也可能以突然破裂发生。
- It is pointed out that the best gold metallogenic area are at uplifting and sagging edge of ductile complex fault of thrusting-nappe fault system. 提出逆冲体系中的韧脆性复成断裂带在带内的相对"上隆"和"下陷"的边缘地区以及其过渡带是金矿成矿的有利地区。
- In this area,fault occurrence changes frequently,so that in 20km extent there occur 6 fault zones whose dip directions are opposite each other. 该区断层产状沿走向变化频繁,在短短的20km范围内,出现了6个彼此倾向相反的断裂带。
- The method has been applied to the field successfully and can be good reference to the fine trundle research on complex fault blocks in Bohai Bay area. 本方法在现场应用中取得了不错的效果,对渤海湾地区复杂断块的精细滚动研究有一定的借鉴意义。
- The rock mass slope stability is directly influenced by mudding intercalation within the fracture zones and fault zones. 边坡岩体中的层间剪切破碎带、断层破碎带不同程度地赋含泥化夹层,直接影响边坡的岩体结构。
- Barka of Istanbul Technical University to assess Turkey's North Anatolian fault, among the world's most heavily populated fault zones. Barka)的行列,一起为土耳其的北安那托利安断层进行评估,这断层位在世界上最密集的断层带。