- Competing Meme 竞争模因
- We have limited funds and several competing claims. 我们的基金有限而争相申请的却有几处。
- Several companies are competing for the contract. 几家公司正为争取一项合同而互相竞争。
- In summer, flowers are competing in splendor in the garden. 夏天的花园,百花争艳。
- This country is competing against other countries in trade. 这个国家在贸易方面正与其他国家竞争。
- Meme: If you Have One Million Dollar? 如果你有一百万,你会怎么花?
- The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations. 奥运会以参赛各国的列队行进开始。
- Nature is also a "meme bank," an idea factory. 自然同样是一个“文化基因库”,是一个创意工厂。
- This country is competing with other countries in trade. 这个国家在贸易方面正与其他国家竞争。
- Amour:les semences de lotus savant les meme amer. 阿沐呵:小姑未嫁身如寄,莲子心多苦自知。
- Several publishers are competing in the same market. 几家出版公司正在同一市场上进行竞争。
- They decided to ballot for competing lanes. 他们决定抽签选择比赛跑道。
- All my friends were cheering while I was competing. 比赛时所有的朋友都为我喝彩。
- I have to erase my genes, wipe the MEME from the face of the erath. 我必须抹除自己的基因,让MEME从地球上从此消失。
- He was competing with the others for a prize. 他与其他人一起争夺奖牌。
- Any last comments you want to say before this meme ends? 在问卷结束之前有没有什么要对大家说的?
- Management of competing claims of multiple systems or processes for a limited resource. 对有限资源的多机系统或多重处理的使用优先权的管理。
- Competing in a service economy II. 服务竞争优势2。
- Oh, these three are competing in swimming! 哦,这三个人要游泳比赛!
- The rain compelled us to stop competing. 雨迫使我们停赛。