- They all did wrong, why single him out for punishment? 他们都有错,为何单挑他来处分?
- Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he lost. 汤姆给了我一把新刀,算是赔偿那把被他丢失的刀。
- The ringleaders were marked out for punishment. 这些坏头目注定要受到惩处。
- He tried to set his companion up for punishment. 他试图诬陷他的同伴,使其受到惩罚。
- He was singled out for punishment. 他被单挑出来受罚。
- Equal compensation for equal work. 同工同酬。
- People think I'm a sucker for punishment. 人们认为我是很容易因(怕)罚而被拉拢的人。
- They marked him down for punishment. 他们选中他作为惩罚对象。
- There will be compensation for delayed delivery. 延期交货将需支付赔偿金。
- Industry sometimes compensates for lack of ability. 勤勉有时可以弥补能力之不足。
- Why single him out for punishment? 为什么挑出他给予惩罚?
- He asked for financial compensation for his damage. 他要求经济赔偿。
- The clause provided compensation for the creditor. 该条款规定了对债权人的赔偿。
- Compensation for damage, loss, or injury suffered. 赔偿金,赔偿物对毁坏、损失或伤害的补偿
- Who will compensate for the losses? 谁将赔偿损失?
- Something that indemnifies;a compensation for loss. 保证金,赔偿物:提供保障的事物;
- She kept coming to work even when she was ill: she's a real glutton for punishment. 即使病了她仍继续工作,她真是不怕吃苦。
- Tom give me a new knife as compensation for the one he lose. 汤姆给了我一把新刀,算是赔偿那把被他丢失的刀。
- The boy was kept in not for punishment,but for education. 那个男孩子被关晚学不是为了受惩罚而是为了受教育。
- They all did wrong; why centered me out for punishment? 他们全都犯了错误,为什么偏挑我一个来惩罚?