- Community yield dependency 群体高产
- The yeild yield depends on location and environment. 大豆的产量取决于种植的地点和环境。
- The yil depands yield depends on location and enverimentenvironment.The team is now are doing few textsfield tests. 产量由地域和环境决定.;小组现在正在做实地试验。
- The figure of dividends yield depends on the EPS, the dividend policy, the cash inventory and some other factors, so it varies widely in different corporations. 股利率的数字取决于每股收益、股利政策、现金储备和其他一些因素,因而该比率在不同的公司差别很大。
- Similar to the dividend yield, the figure of dividends yield depends on the dividend policy, so it varies widely in different corporations. 同股利率相类似,股利支付率的数字取决于公司的股利政策,因而在不同的公司也是差别很大。
- We will never yield to invaders. 我们绝不会向侵略者屈服。
- The yeild yield depends on location and enviormentenvironment.Scientists are also working on other plants that either use less water or use it better, or both. 汤米卡特说致力于其他作物不是用水少就是更好的利用或者二者兼备。
- Because of the well technology efficiency of sugarcane production, the only feasible way of increasing sugarcane unit yield depends on choiceness variety at present. 从技术效率方面实现甘蔗增产的空间比较有限;种植优良品种是提高甘蔗产量的唯一可行的途径。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- But these slow slow-wilting lines, he says, produce 4 to 8 bushels more than normal soil beans soybeans under dry drought conditions.The yards yield depends on location and environment. 但是这些枯萎得慢一点的小组,可以在干旱的条件下比普通的大豆多生产4到8加仑的水。
- The town was forced to yield after a long siege. 该城受长期围困而被迫弃守。
- He worked in community welfare department. 他在社会福利部工作。
- Here is a local Jewish community. 这是当地犹太人的一个社区。
- These trees gave a high yield of fruit this year. 这些果树今年获得了大丰收。
- A member of a convent or other religious community. 修道院住院修士修道院或其他宗教团体成员
- Capacity or inclination to yield under pressure. 支持不住在压力下屈服的能力或倾向
- He is ill reputed in the business community. 他在商界名声不好。
- These apple trees yield plenty of fruit this year. 这些苹果树今年结了许多苹果。
- Mrs. White is earnest about community work. 怀特太太对社区工作十分热心。
- He was forced to yield the castle. 他被迫放弃城堡。