- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。
- This cash register must have come out of the ark. 这台现金出纳机肯定是很老式的。
- Come out of the cold street into the warm. 街上寒冷,进来暖和暖和。
- He was once seen to come out of the place. 有一次数有人着见他从这里出来。
- The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow. 猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。
- We'll fire the fox out of the hole. 我们将用火把狐狸驱逐出洞。
- The water drained out of the hole in the pail. 水从桶的孔里流出来。
- They'll like you more if you climb out of the hole. 一旦你能出头,他们会更加爱你。
- That wolf was fired out of the hole. 那只狼被用火赶出洞去。
- We'll burn the rats out of the hole. 我们要用火把老鼠从洞里赶出来。
- Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气。
- The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. 瓶塞砰的一声拔出来了。
- The beer comes out of the barrel under pressure. 啤酒受到压力从桶中流出。
- The dog climbed out of the hole. 狗从洞里爬出来。
- Please help me loose the nail, It is rusty and won't come out of the wall. 请帮我把这个钉子弄松,它生锈了,拔不出来。
- They come out of the mine into the fresh air. 他们从矿里出来走到空气清新的地面。
- The Soviets had guns coming out of the demon hole. 苏联从地狱里弄来的枪堆积如山,现在却没有敌人了。)
- That was a small business, but it was wisely managed, and it kept out of the hole. 虽然这是个小店,可是它经营得法,从不亏空。
- Some of the great men came out of nowhere. 有些伟人来自不知名的小地方。
- A woman in a black shawl came out of the shop. 一个披著黑头巾的妇女从店铺走了出来。