- You come and pour yourself on me. 你来到我身边将自己灌注于我.
- And when my love for life is running dry, You come and pour yourself on me. 没有你我无处容身,你也舍不得我一个人独自留下。
- When my love for life was running dry,you come and pour yourself on me. 当我对生活的爱流逝干涸时,你来到我的身边,用你自己把我浇灌。
- Come and pour yourself on me. 过来并敞开你的情怀。
- You'll hit on exactly the most efficient method of revenging yourself on me. 你正好找到了你对我报仇的最好方法。
- Come and sit next to me on the settee. 过来跟我一块儿坐在沙发上。
- Allow me to come and call on you from time to time. 允许我经常来看您就行。
- Stop fucking around and come and give me a hand. 别胡闹了,过来给我帮个忙。
- Don't try and fasten the blame on me. 别想把过错推到我头上。
- The lorry overtook me and then cut in (on me). 那辆卡车超越我的车後,突然插入我前方的位置。
- You do the honors and pour out the tea. 你尽一下主人之谊,给客人倒茶。
- Don't impose yourself on people who don't want you. 不要缠着不愿和你在一起的人。
- Come and sit with me on the sofa. 来,和我坐在沙发上。
- Come and see me then. We'll go out somewhere. 那你来看我吧,我们一起到外面什么地方玩玩。
- Pattern yourself on me. 照着我的样子做。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是个热心人,可以信赖。
- Relax and enjoy yourself on your trip. 祝你旅途轻松愉快!
- Pour yourself another cup of tea. 请再倒杯茶喝。
- Come and see our range of gardening tools. 来瞧瞧我们的成套园艺工具吧。
- I find his book begin to pall on me after a while. 我发觉他的书读过一阵子就开始对我失去吸引力。