- Tactical Combined Arms Test Activity 联合兵种战术试验处
- TRADOC Combined Arms Test Activity 训练与条令司令部联合兵种试验处
- Combined Arms Test Activity 联合兵种试验处
- Tactical Combined Arms Testing Agency 联合兵种战术试验局
- Now the offe ive operatio are almost combined arms operatio . 现在的进攻作战几乎都是诸军兵种联合作战。
- This ground component must be able to fight a combined arms tactical fight. 这样的地面分队必须能进行诸军兵种战术作战
- Leadership training must focus on aquiring skills at leading combined arms combat. 领导能力训练必须集中到获取领导诸兵种联合作战的技能方面来。
- Normandy was the classic example of modern combined arms, air-land, coalition warfare. 诺曼底是现代联合空地一体作战的经典战例。
- Combined Arms Combat Development Activity 联合兵种战斗发展处
- The theory and method have some value in weapon arming test with few samples. 该理论和方法对武器装备小样本检验具有一定的意义。
- Additionally, Soviet aircraft flew daily reconnaissance sorties in the vicinity and also provided air cover for small-scale combined arms attacks on isolated Manchukuoan units. 此外,苏联航空兵每天侵入周围地区进行侦察,并且为对孤立的满洲国部队发起的小规模进攻提供空中掩护。
- Nuclear proliferation, illegal arms tests and trade, and holding foreign journalists for ransom are becoming anathemas to Chinese identity. 核扩散、非法武器试验和贸易、把外国记者当成勒索赎金的人质,这些行为正变成对中国身份的诅咒。
- To delivery, and as a consequence puts test activities unnecessarily on the critical path of the project. 交付而完成测试准备,并且作为将不必要的测试活动放在项目的关键路径上的结果。
- Ensure all inspection, operation and test activities comply with relevant documents. 保证按照文件进行所有的检验、操作与测试。
- NATO Small Arms Test Control Commission 北约轻武器试验控制委员会
- As a result, our RWPPI sponsored Round Robin Test activities will play an even more vital role. 因此,由RWPPI主办的循环实验活动的重要性也大大增加了。
- Shiny black frames, grey gradient lenses and fun, flirty black and clear combination arms. 闪亮的黑色框架,灰色梯度镜头和乐趣,结合卖俏的黑色和明亮的徽章。
- orthostatic strighting arms test 直立伸臂试验
- The examinee examination mold was mainly used for dynamic testing activity, examination time locking, automatic system grading and out-bursting problem solution. 考生考试模块主要实现动态随机出题、考试时间锁定、系统自动判卷和突发问题应对等功能。
- Now, Taiwan's government has adopted and implemented Pap smear test actively to prevent women from the threaten of cervical cancer. 而我国政府亦积极推广子宫颈抹片筛检工作,以防治子宫颈癌对我国妇女之威胁。