- Combined Allied Air Forces 盟国联合空军
- Meanwhile, allied air forces were harrying the enemy communications and aircrafts in Southern Italy, and port of Naples. 同时,盟国的空军正在骚扰敌人在意大利南部的交通线和机场以及那不勒斯港口。
- The US general still needed another day before he could be in a position to counterattack, so he turned to the Allied air forces to contain the German tank columns. 美军将军还需要一天的时间来为反击做准备,因此他让盟军飞机来牵制德军坦克部队。
- Their meteorologists had predicted several days of such weather, during which it was calculated that the Allied air forces would be grounded and the German supply columns spared the inferno of Normandy. 根据天气预报,会连着几天有这样的气候,估计盟军的飞机在这期间不能起飞,德国的供应线可以免遭诺曼底那样的浩劫。
- Advanced Aeronautics is the backbone of the Allied air force and the primary upgrade for the Vindicator Rush. 高级航空学是盟军空军的中枢同时是维护者快攻的基本升级。
- On the alternate line from Pisa and Florence south to Rome, the Siena yards were bombed by Mediterranean Allied Air Force Bombers. 锡耶纳站场位于从比萨和佛罗伦萨到罗马的的交替线上,执行轰炸的是地中海联盟空军的轰炸机。
- Allied Air Forces South West Pacific Area 西南太平洋地区盟军空军
- We allowed combined allied forces to gang up against them. 我们允许各路联军联合起来抵挡他们。
- Allied Air Forces North Norway 北挪威盟军空军部队
- Mediterranean Allied Air Forces 地中海盟军空军
- Allied Air Forces 盟国空军
- Now, men are enlisting for the air force. 现正在招募空军。
- Rommel countered that they had never had to fight under Allied air supremacy. 隆美尔反驳说他们没有再拥有制空权的盟军飞机下作过战。
- They produce bombers for the air forces. 他们为空军生产轰炸机。
- An old Air Force war horse is getting a new assignment. 一架空军旧式飞机奉命执行一项新的任务。
- Combined Allied Land Forces Exercise 盟国联合地面部队演习
- Air forces were sent to the front. 空军被派往前线。
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- Due to Allied air superiority, the Tigers in Normandy and France were employed mainly in a static defensive role. 他们在北非和意大利取得了类似的成功,给盟军部队制造了巨大的心里影响。
- The air force is one of the armed forces. 空军是武装部队的一种。