- Combat Support Units 战斗支援单位
- Combat Support Unit 战斗支援小队
- The surface force has combat and support units,which have anti-ship,anti-submarine,air defense,mine warfare and shore attack capabilities. 水面舰艇部队编有战斗舰艇部队和勤务舰船部队,具有在海上进行反舰、反潜、防空、水雷战和对岸攻击等作战能力。
- The surface force has combat and support units, which have anti-ship, anti-submarine, air defense, mine warfare and shore attack capabilities. 水面舰艇部队编有战斗舰艇部队和勤务舰船部队,具有在海上进行反舰、反潜、防空、水雷战和对岸攻击等作战能力。
- He flew numerous combat and combat support missions, logging over two hundred combat flight hours. 他有过多次飞行战斗经验,并承担过多次战斗辅助任务,记录的战斗飞行时间超过200小时。
- This makes the colossus the ideal support unit for this group of Zealots. 这样"巨神像"成为"狂热者"部队理想的支援后盾.
- Are there any additional supporting units in a hospital? 医院是否有一些另外的辅助单位呢?
- The aviation is composed of fighter, attacker, bomber, reconnaissance, transport and support units, usually in the organizational order of division, regiment, group and squadron. 航空兵由歼击、强击、轰炸、侦察、运输航空兵及保障部(分)队组成,通常按师、团、大队、中队体制编成。
- Turkey has approved the overflight of 4,900 sorties to Iraq for unspecified “combat support” since the start of the war, as well as the treatment of wounded American soldiers in Turkish hospitals. 这是因为:尽管美国并未指明是何种“战争支援”,土尔其已经允许了美国军队4,900次飞越其领空去空攻击伊拉克。同时,土尔其还允许美国的伤员在土尔其医院接受治疗。
- Annual report of the Country Support Unit Network for 2004 reporting on its progress and activities. 2004年国家支持单位网络年度报告汇报其进展和活动。
- An aviation division usually consists of regiments, groups and squadrons, and has such types of aircraft as fighters, attackers, fighter-bombers, bombers, transports and combat support aircraft. 航空兵师通常按团、大队、中队体制编成,主要机种为歼击、强击、歼击轰炸、轰炸、运输、侦察、作战支援等。
- Although a number of logistic and combat support vessels in the catamaran form were tested in the past, no catamaran has ever been built for direct combat role in the modern naval history. 当以一个高速航行的时候,穿浪船体在水表面上面向上升起船体减少水的阻力,船体因此事实上是‘飞'在水面上。
- This paper describes TAURUS mission scenario and the main system elements, i. e. the payload capsule, the ejection device and the support units. 文中主要介绍TAURUS返回舱的运行程序及主要构件(有效载荷舱、弹射装置及辅助设施等)。
- This makes it solely a support unit in battle and is extremely vulnerable to all types of attacks with used alone. 这使它在战斗中成为一个纯粹的支援单位,并且对于任何类型的攻击都相当脆弱。
- The aviation is composed of fighter,attacker,bomber,reconnaissance,transport and support units,usually in the organizational order of division,regiment,group and squadron. 航空兵由歼击、强击、轰炸、侦察、运输航空兵及保障部(分)队组成,通常按师、团、大队、中队体制编成。
- Each working group was assisted by a Technical Support Unit (TSU) to help coordinate the network of scientists and experts involved. 每个工作组有一个技术支持单位协助,帮助协调参加工作的科学家与专家网络。
- Headed by a police Chief Superintendent, ACB has its own technical support unit to assist in physical and electronic covert surveillance. ACB由一名总警司领导,辖下设有一个技术支援小组,为跟踪和电子追踪行动提供技术支援。
- The system is supervised, administered and operated respectively by the competent government department, the facility concerned and technological support unit. 该系统由国家主管部门、接受保障的核设施单位和技术支持单位负责监督、管理和运行。
- Global combat support system of USA 美国全球作战支持系统
- The Thor unit can attack air units, although it has a relatively slow rate of fire. It is always still better to escort your Thor units with additional support units. 雷神部队,可以攻击空中单位,虽然它有一个相对较缓慢的攻击速度,这使它往往需要额外部队护送你的雷神部队。