- Colorado Springs Colo 科罗拉多斯普林斯(科罗拉多州)
- In the spring of 1899 Tesla closed his rebuilt New York laboratory and constructed a facility at the foot of Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs, Colo. 1899年春天,特士拉关闭了已经重建过的纽约实验室,而在科罗拉多州派克峰山脚下的科罗拉多温泉市建造设备。
- Its headquarters are in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 它的总部在科罗拉多的科罗拉多城。
- "To accumulate as many patterns as there are in this collection, that's incredible," said Douglas A. Mudd, Curator of the American Numismatic Association Money Museum in Colorado Springs, Colo. “像这套藏品那样,蒐集到如此之多的款式,实在令人难以置信,”设在科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯的美国钱币协会钱币博物馆馆长道格拉斯。阿。马德说。
- The first started seven years ago in Colorado Springs, a city that is home to the lately disgraced Reverend Ted Haggard. 七年前第一场活动在科罗拉多泉市举行,最近的泰德。
- LEAA's role in the behavior modification research began at a meeting held in 1970 in Colorado Springs. LEAA在行为修正实验中的角色开始于1970年春天在科罗拉多举行的一次会议。
- Its operations include one production facility in Colorado Springs and another in Tucson, AZ. 其业务包括一个生产设施,并在科罗拉多州斯普林斯的另一个在图森,亚利桑那。
- The Airforce Air Force Academy is located at Colorado springs Springs, Colorado. 美国空军学院位于科罗拉多州的斯普林斯。
- Dentists in the small western town of Colorado Springs, Colorado found that children there had low rates of tooth decay. 美国科罗拉多州西部小镇中的牙医们发现这里的儿童得龋齿的几率非常低。
- The sisters, born in Colorado Springs in the United States in 1977, were tiny cubs when they moved to Australia. They have been in Sydney since 1985. 1977年,这对熊姐妹出生在美国科罗拉多斯普林斯,在它们还是幼崽时被送到澳大利亚,并于1985年来到悉尼定居。
- At that time, Perrin in Colorado Springs Airport to a sudden a group of reporters waiting for the local television station, began to answer questions. 当时,佩林在科罗拉多斯普林斯机场突然走向一群守候的当地电视台记者,开始回答问题。
- El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa said there was "one gunman down" and "four deceased, possibly one wounded" in the incident in Colorado Springs. 埃尔帕索郡治安官特里马科塔说,在科罗拉多斯普林发生的案件中,一名持枪犯被击毙,另有四名死者及一名伤者。
- COLORADO SPRINGS,Colo. - Designing protective masks to help athletes cope with the elements isnothing new for the U.S. Olympic Committee. 设计防护口罩帮助运动员应对情况对于美国奥委会来说不是什么新鲜事。
- Even with a call centre in Colorado Springs rather than Chennai, some work can be done in the US more effectively, he adds. 他补充表示,即使把呼叫中心设在美国的科罗拉多泉城,而不是钦奈,有些工作也可以更为高效地完成。
- The American Numismatic Association, a coin collectors organization based in Colorado Springs, said it planned to put the coin on public display beginning in mid-April. 美国钱币协会是一个设在科罗拉多泉的钱币收藏者组织。该组织称计划将在四月中旬开始公开展示这枚钱币。
- Then 2 SOPS contacts each GPS satellite regularly with a navigational update (using the ground antennas at Ascension Island, Diego Garcia, Kwajalein, and Colorado Springs). 持这一观点的人认为,长寿人群和家族可以将对疾病的抗拒力遗传给子女,使他们患病后比他人更加容易康复。
- Two other ships, the USS Decatur and the USS Russell, were close by, and part of the task force, run by the Army Space and Missile Defence Command in Colorado Springs. 美国海军的另两艘战舰,"迪凯特"号和"罗素"号也在附近待命。同时待命的还有位于科罗拉多州斯普林的"陆军空间与导弹防御指挥部"的特遣队。
- In Colorado Spring, several bears make a mess of the neighborhood going through the trash, crawling up a tree. 科罗拉多州的春天里,几头熊穿过垃圾堆,攀上一棵树引起了附近居民的一片混乱。
- Olympic Training Center - Colorado Springs, CO 美国科罗拉多奥运训练馆
- Univeristy of Colorado at Colorado Springs 科罗拉多大学科罗拉多泉分校