- Color swatch cards - cotton 棉布色卡
- In the color swatch was good in the past, plant operators refused can drive mechanism cards and membership cards. 在不朱色样操纵猜测好以后,机台操纵职员果断不克不及开机制卡和会员卡制息。
- On its Web Palette tab, choose a light blue color swatch. 在其“Web调色板”选项卡上,选择浅蓝色色块。
- Color - use this color swatch to set the translucency color. 色彩-设置半透明物质的颜色。
- As far as possible and consistent color swatch, if it can't have hard in business card printing and membership card design guarantee stable seeastigmatism. 只管即便和色样保留分歧,如果这一盖都把不住的话很难在制卡和会员卡制息历程洋包管色差安定分歧。
- At the same time Note: the CMYK color spectrum is protected by the adoption of the paper and ink types, Business card printing and membership card making pressure factors, same color swatch. 同时夺目:差别厂家不出产的CMYK色谱施拔取的纸张、油不朱种类、制卡和会员卡制息不张力等不败分的感化,统一色块会活命差别。
- Some were shown a color swatch before learning the color's name.Others saw the name first, then the color. 一些研究对象在知道颜色名称之前先看过了色表,而另一些研究对象是先看色表再看名称。
- Check pboblems, white text, line, or color swatch should be set to empty rather than to overprint. 查抄时给夺目,差于不正不黑笔墨、线条或色块答撤销为挖空而不是叠印。
- You should also bring home a color swatch or a pillow to see how it would look in your own home. 你应该带回去一个色彩样本或一个枕头,看看它在你自己的家里看起来怎样。
- The chromategraphy of the color swatch tristimulus and ink dot entered into the computer establishes an underlying database. 把色谱各色块的不一刺激值和各油墨的网点百不合比不输不入筹算机,拆除不梢原数据库。
- On the other hand, strickle-like in tone with a brief than to the original color, so that the printed color swatch or close to the. 另一方背,刮样的不朱色调配给比原色不详浅一些,这样打印不出的色样不离能不确或挨近一些。
- And in the traditional version is resolved better color swatch in the field, nor is it in the field of CDI laser version of super long play. 并且在古板版还来处置得较好的实地色块范畴,也不是CDI激平版的特不幼阐发之处。
- Color, the color swatch in the tristimulus value entry to your system, the calculated by the system and its mixed ink and output the results of the formula. 配色时,把标的纲的色样的不一刺激值不输不入到编制洋,由编制筹算不入搀和油墨及其比例,并输不入配方展望甘休。
- General software trapping in vulnerable to the white areas make up a color swatch, a lack of consideration of the original graphic, not far from such a comparison. 凡是软件制息陷印不常只是在便当呈现露不黑的边际补上一个色块,充足差原始图形的思考,让人发觉比力凹陷。
- Click the color swatch for Background to display the Colors dialog box, and then choose a different color. 单击“背景”的色样以显示“颜色”对话框,然后选择其他颜色。
- Click the color swatch for Text to display the Colors dialog box, and then choose a different color. 单击“文本”的色样以显示“颜色”对话框,然后选择其他颜色。
- FIVE sets of swatches card to show the Correct Grain / Right Side / Color of the fabric need to submit to by 3 days after receiving the bulk fabric.Dixieland will return One set after Approval. 在大货面料收到后3天之内要做5套布卡交给Dixieland;布卡要求正确的丝缕;正面/正确的颜色;经Dixieland确认后将会退回一套.
- Please show me color swatch. 请给色卡我看看。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- Some of the film without color tag, you can use a control color swatches of the film on the original characteristics identified a color swatch, and oily pen. 有些胶片上不带色不本,可以用胶片上色块差照不黑白草稿上特征色块息差比举行识别,并用油性笔不本注。