- Collin speculum 柯林窥器
- Miss Collin sang a Taiwanese folk song. 柯玲小姐唱了一首台湾民谣。
- We have Collin Chou, who plays Jade Warlord... 和扮演金麻雀的刘亦菲。-刘亦菲。-刘...好的。刘。
- In fact, it is a combination of anastomat and rectal speculum. 它实际上是直肠镜与吻合器的一种结合物。
- Then, insert the speculum gently into the ear canal. 然后,慢慢的把检查镜插入耳道.
- I am considering writing a letter to say sorry to Collin. 考虑做某事。
- Both sexes have grey wings with black primaries and a white speculum. 所有的澳洲森林鸭都是灰色翅膀,主翼羽为黑色,还有白色的斑点。
- Amid these jarring events Collin felt one thing to be indispensable. 在这种龃龉的事件之中,克林觉得有一样事非办不可。
- You will be aware of a support (speculum), which helps to hold your eye open. 你会感受到一个撑子(扩张器),它可以保持你的眼睛睁开。
- David, Sam and Collin are planning the advertising for HMS's new accessories. 大卫、山姆和科林正在计划HMS的新配件的广告。
- The last run my friend Alan actually pushed Collin into a tree for a laugh. 治疗红血丝、怎样去红血丝、怎样去除红血丝,知与不知尽在康本。
- An instrument consisting of a tube or speculum equipped with a light,used to examine the rectum. 直肠镜由带灯的管筒或窥镜组成的仪器,用于检查肛门
- An instrument consisting of a tube or speculum equipped with a light, used to examine the rectum. 直肠镜由带灯的管筒或窥镜组成的仪器,用于检查肛门
- By means of a long self-sustain nasal speculum, 936 cases of vidian nerve cauterization have been performed. 应用自撑式长鼻镜,经鼻腔行翼管神经电灼术936例。
- I see she is keeping pretty good company with the Secretary of State, Collin Powell. 很高兴看到你国务卿先生。
- Collin Chou and Crystal Liu Yifei travelled different career paths on their way to becoming actors. 科林周和晶体刘亦菲前往不同的职业道路就其方式成为行动者。
- To do this, select the largest speculum the patient's ear canal will accommodate. 要这样做之前,选择一个最大的符合病人耳道的检查镜.
- Objective Purpose To study the value of abdominal speculum in the gynecology surgical operation. 目的探讨腹腔镜在妇科手术中的应用价值。
- Mr Collin has yet to examine Dorah, but he was optimistic after Sky TV shot medical footage of her injuries. 科林先生还没有给多拉作检查,但是,在看过天空电视台拍摄的多拉伤势的医学片后,他还是持乐观的态度。
- EVAN 20061009 - uncle Steve, auntie Josie and Collin drove all the way from Taipei to visit me... 中秋节陈叔叔;陈阿姨与陈哥哥从台北来看我...