- After Graduation: Attend Postgraduate Exam or Go to Work? 大学毕业:考研还是工作?
- When I failed in the postgraduate exam, I was greatly at loose ends. 当我研究生入学考试失败后,我简直不知怎么办才好。
- Training schools and courses for postgraduate exams, English, MBA, software, financial analyzing and other skills have mushroomed. 考研培训、新东方英语、雅思英语、mba研修班、通讯软件人才培训、金融分析师考前辅导等等,一批新兴的培训学校和培训班应运而生。
- They promised to take the postgraduate exam to Beijing at the 3rd grade.Unfortunately, Chen Li failed because of 2 points margin in English. 大三时他们就约定一起考研到北京,然而晨丽却因英语2分之差落榜了。
- Are you going to take a postgraduate exam?" 你是要考研究生吗?”
- College & postgraduate exams 高考考研
- Jim was sweating out the results of the college exams. 吉姆焦急地等待着大学考试的结果。
- I'll go to college if I pass the Matriculation Exam. 如果我通过了升学考试我将去上大学。
- You know that Bill was thrown out of college for failing his exams. 你知道吗,比尔因考试不及格而被大学开除了。
- The college library is a favorite haunt. 大学图书馆是人们喜欢的地方。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- Do you know that Bill got flung out of college for failing his exam? 你知道吗?比尔因考试不及格被学校开除了。
- He often cut recitation during his college days. 他上大学时经常无故旷课,逃避背诵练习。
- The college did us proud at the centenary dinner. 院方在一百周年校庆设宴款待我们。
- Joe was in college and worried about exams. 乔在大学读书时发愁考试。
- The college has excellent sporting facilities. 这所学院有极好的体育设备。
- Many students lodge in their college halls. 许多学生住在学院的学生宿舍里。
- The college I applied to has accepted me. 我报了名的学院已经录取我了。
- An Urgent Task: to Turn Out More of Our Graduates as Candidates for Master Degree Programs--A Speech on the Conference Focusing on Postgraduate Exam Work of GDUT 提高考研率刻不容缓--在广东工业大学考研工作会议上的讲话
- The college jumped him from instructor to full professor. 大学突然把他从讲师提升为正教授。