- Objective: To establish HPLC-ELSD fingerprint of Coleus forskohlii. 目的:建立毛喉鞘蕊花药材的HPLC-ELSD指纹图谱。
- Methods Coleus forskohlii(Willd.)was extracted by aether, and the volatile constituents were analyzed by GC-MS. 方法用乙醚对药材粗粉进行索氏提取,浓缩得浸膏后用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)对其成分进行分析。
- Methods: Chromatographic fingerprint of Coleus forskohlii was investigated by HPLC-ELSD and gradient elution mode was applied to chromatographic separation. 方法:采用HPLC-ELSD法,梯度洗脱,研究毛喉鞘蕊花药材的指纹图谱。
- Keywords Coleus forskohlii Briq;Leaf;Powder;Pharmacognosy; 鞘蕊苏;叶及粉末;生药学研究;
- Research Advance on Chemistry and Physiological Activities for Coleus forskohlii 毛喉鞘蕊花化学及生理活性研究进展
- Coleus forskohliin. 毛喉鞘蕊花
- What is Coleus forskohli Extract ? 什么是毛喉鞘蕊花的提取物?
- Coleus forskohli is a perennial member of the mint, or Lamiaceae. 毛喉鞘蕊花,唇形科,多年生草本植物。
- Construction and Analysis of cDNA Library from the Leaf of Coleus blumei Benth. 彩叶草叶片cDNA文库的构建与分析。
- Patterns in Nature: Flowers Coleus plants grow across much of South America. 意译:花卉在自然界的模式。薄荷科植物花卉生长越过南美州许多地方。
- Any of various Old World herbs of the genus Coleus in the mint family, widely cultivated for their multicolored decorative leaves. 锦紫苏一种东半球唇形科锦紫苏属草本植物,因其多彩的装饰性叶子而被广泛栽培
- Toxicologic Study on Water Soluble Extract and the Volatile Oil of Coleus amboinicus Lour. 与相似的文献。
- Any of various Old World herbs of the genus Coleus in the mint family,widely cultivated for their multicolored decorative leaves. 锦紫苏一种东半球唇形科锦紫苏属草本植物,因其多彩的装饰性叶子而被广泛栽培
- The cyperus alterni-folius and coleus blumei grew well in the eutrophicated water,however,the growth of jasmiunm sambac was restrained. 结果表明,风车草和彩叶草可以正常生长,但茉莉的生长适应能力较差;
- Coleus forskohli is a perennial member of the mint, or Lamiaceae. It is now grown around the world as an ornamental plant. 毛喉鞘蕊花,唇形科,多年生草本植物。作为观赏性植物生长在世界各地。
- Software Description: About 彩叶草, This screen saver includes 20 Coleus plants photographed in city park flower gardens. 这个屏幕保护程序是在城市公园花园拍摄的20张彩叶草的照片锦集。
- Extracts from the Indian coleus were used in ancient Asia to treat a variety of diseases including urinary tract infections, Abraham said. “如果我们能够证明联合抗生物的有效性,那么不久以后我们就能进入临床实验。”
- Extracts from the Indian coleus were used in ancient Asia to treat a ariety of diseases including urinary tract infections, Abraham said. “如果我们能够证明联合抗生物的有效性,那么不久以后我们就能进入临床实验。”
- Scheiber, S., R. Beeson, J. Chen and Q. Wang. 2003. Evaluation of various irrigation regimes on the growth and maintenance of Coleus in Landscape. HortScience 38(5): 812 . 王其兵;李凌浩,刘先华,贺金生.;1998