- The old man's health will not stand up to the cold damp climate. 老人的健康状况经受不住寒冷潮湿的气候。
- I do not envy the queen her cold,damp castle. I would hate to live there. 我不羡慕女王那阴冷而潮湿的城堡。我不会喜欢住在那里的。
- Beneath the halo of a street lamp .I turned my collar to the cold damp. 头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩.;我翻起衣领以抗御此夜的寒冷及潮湿
- Growth in the cold damp areasshan zhen unique special fruit beer is high quality food. 生长在高寒阴湿地区的独特山珍啤特果,是品位极高的绿色食品。
- Cold damp here, adequate rainfall, the most appropriate material angelica and other herbs to grow. 这里高寒阴湿,雨量充足,最适宜当归和其它中草药材的生长。
- It makes me feel that I was wrong.Only love can rescure me,only love can take me out of that cold damp room where I've stayed for too long. 他们爱我们原原本本的样子,不会因为我们的不完美而离开我们,而有的人,也许本来就不该是我们的朋友,何必把这样的人抓的那么紧,靠改变自己去取悦他们呢。
- Purpose To study on therapeutic effects of electrothermal acupuncture in treatment of wind cold damp arthralgi a syndrome and deficiency arthralgia syndrome. 目的:研究以电热针治疗风寒湿痹及虚痹的疗效。
- Inside a mild humid climate in southern and northern cold damp, food crops to potatoes, broad beans, corn, such as the main cash crops in order to Angelica, Bupleurum, Radix Astragali, the main oil. 境内气候南部温和湿润,北部高寒阴湿,粮食作物以马铃薯、蚕豆、玉米等为主,经济作物以当归、柴胡、黄芪、油料等为主。
- It was drizzling, and miserably cold and damp. 外面下着毛毛细雨,天气又冷又湿,令人难受。
- This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种小麦可以在寒冷的春天生长。
- The girl stood shivering with cold on the doorstep. 那姑娘站在门前的台阶上,冷得直打哆嗦。
- It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
- She could only croak because of her heavy cold. 她因患重感冒只能用沙哑的声音说话。
- Cold-damp affecting spleen 寒湿困脾
- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 热与冷是相反的词语。
- liver disease affecting spleen 肝病传脾
- The damp in the air makes me feel cold. 空气潮湿使我觉得寒冷。
- She got cold feet when asked to recite in class. 当她被叫起来在班上背诵时害怕了。
- The girl's hands were chapped by the cold. 那个女孩的手因寒冷而冻裂。
- There is still no cure for the common cold. 目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。