- The treatment of coke wastewater for the CWO is analyzed by the study of economic and technological practicability, which suggests this process is feasible technologically and has good ... 指出了催化湿式氧化技术在工业化过程中面临催化剂溶出和反应设备材质要求高等问题。
- Coking wastewater is a kind of intractab wastewater which are from the process of making coke, purifying coal gas and recovering coke products. 焦化废水是煤制焦碳、煤气净化及焦化产品回收过程中产生的废水,受原煤性质、炼焦工艺、焦化产品回收等诸多因素的影响,其成分复杂多变,属于难处理的工业废水。
- Treatment of Coke Wastewater by Flocculation 焦化废水的絮凝处理
- In addition,developing trend of coking wastewater treatment technologies was discussed. 并探讨了焦化废水处理技术的发展趋势。
- The treatment of coking wastewater with the united ASBR+SBR +BAF was studied in this paper. 在实验室进行了ASBR+SBR(反硝化)+SBR(碳氧化)+BAF(硝化)联合处理焦化废水的研究。
- The coking wastewater treatment technique includes the biological method, chemical method and physico-chemical method, which have their own advantages and disadvantages. 焦化废水的处理技术包括生物处理法、化学处理法和物理化学处理法等,各种方法都各具优缺点。
- The treatment of paper making wastewater and coking wastewater has been studied with compound flocculant XG 1 prepared from diatomite. 对利用硅藻土研制出的复合絮凝剂XG 1处理造纸、焦化工业废水进行了研究。
- Study on the plasmids of the bacteria in the coke wastewater 焦化废水中细菌质粒的研究
- It is put forward that coking wastewater treated by secondary biotreatment is reused directly for converter gas washing water. 将二级处理后的焦化废水直接回用于转炉煤气洗涤水,并通过絮凝和阻垢缓蚀试验,对回用的可行性进行了试验研究。
- Oxidation of organic content and nitrification of coking wastewater after ASBR anaerobic pretreatment were studied experimentally by SBR reactor. 本文采用SBR反应器对ASBR厌氧预处理后的焦化废水进行碳氧化和硝化的实验研究。
- Based on comparison of various biological processes for treatment of coking wastewater,the A1-A2-O process is considered as a better method up to now. 通过对焦化废水生物处理各种工艺的比较,认为A1-A2-O工艺是目前焦化废水处理比较好的一种工艺;
- The coking wastewater is a kind of intractable wastewater from the coking products of coal, whose component of this waste water is complicated and difficult to treat. 摘要焦化废水是煤制焦化产品回收过程中产生的废水,其成分复杂多变,属于难处理的工业废水。
- Such projects as crude benzene, desulphurization, domestic sewage disposal, coked wastewater treatment, rebuild ground surface for dust removing, and etc. 粗苯、脱琉、生活污水处理、焦化废水治理、改造地面除尘等工程。
- I bought a cup of coke and some popcorn. 我买一杯可口可乐和一些爆米花。
- First, ore is mixed with coke and limestone. 先把铁矿石和焦碳、石灰石混合在一起。
- By immobilizing the enriched nitrobacteria separately, the feasibility of applying microorganism immobilization technology to the denitrification of coking wastewater is studied. 通过把富集培养的硝化细菌单独固定化,进行了固定化用于焦化废水脱氮的可行性研究。
- Treatment of municipal wastewater by photocatalysis-ozonation and outflow of bio-treated coking wastewater by ozone assisted coagulation have been studied in this paper. 用正交实验法研究了臭氧辅助混凝技术处理焦化废水生化外排水的条件。
- The successes of plant tests and pilot tests for the treatment of high ammonia-nitrogen and coking wastewater with IMCs technology indicated that the IMCs had a broad perspective. 固定化细胞技术在处理高氨氮废水和焦化废水的中试和工业试验的成功,表明了这一技术在化工废水处理领域的广阔前景。
- Abstract: Oxidation ot organic content and nitrification of coking wastewater after ASBR anaerobic pretreatment were studied experimentally by SBR reactor. 摘 要: 本文采用SBR反应器对ASBR厌氧预处理后的焦化废水进行碳氧化和硝化的实验研究。
- The refuse left when coke or charcoal is made. 焦炭渣,煤屑焦炭或木炭做成后剩下的渣滓