- All radio stations had been ordered off the air by midnight. 所有的广播站都接到了在午夜停止广播的命令。
- All radio buttons that are added directly to a form become one group. 直接添加到一个窗体中的所有单选按钮将形成一个组。
- White noise on a radio receiver would interfere with all radio stations. 白噪音在无线电接收器将会干扰所有广播电台。
- RDS FM technology is the use of multiple techniques, in the FM radio band surplus created a sub-carrier channel. for the transmission of data information. RDS技术是利用调频多工技术,在调频广播的富余频带内增设一个副载波信道,用以传送数据信息。
- The new operator will have the radio band to provide wireless broadband access services, and the Oman Telecommunications Company has not yet launched the service. 新运营商将获得无线电波段,可以提供无线宽带接入服务,而阿曼电信公司目前尚未开通此项服务。
- Therefore, you can clear all selections by setting the Checked property of all radio buttons in a group to false. 因此,您可以通过将一组中所有单选按钮的Checked属性设置为false来清除所有选择。
- Total radiation instruments employ some broad spectral band sensors. 全辐射仪器要使用某些宽频带传感器。
- Virtually all radio and TV stations offer specific programs for disabled children,compounded with sign language and captions. 广播、电视普遍开办残疾儿童专题节目,并配制手语、字幕。
- In this case, the group is an arbitrary name; all radio buttons with the same group name are considered part of a single group. 这种情况下,该组可为任意名称;具有相同组名的所有单选按钮视为单个组的组成部分。
- The TETRA trunking facility provides a pooling of all radio channels, which are then allocated on demand to individual users. 地面集群无线电设施可集中处理多个无线通讯频道,并按个别用户的需求而分配通讯资源。
- Virtually all radio and TV stations offer specific programs for disabled children, compounded with sign language and captions. 广播、电视普遍开办残疾儿童专题节目,并配制手语、字幕。
- When Zettl noticed that some of these frequencies included those in the commercial radio band, the idea of using the cantilevered nanotube to make a radio became virtually irresistible. 塞特尔注意到某些频率和商业广播频带的频率相同时,使用悬臂梁奈米碳管制作收音机的构想便在他脑海中盘旋不去。
- The only drawback is that not all radios support 140 CCPM. 唯一的不足是并不是所有遥控器都支持140度CCPM。
- Comprehensive measures will be taken to provide a clean electromagnetic environment so as to ensure the smooth operation of all radio communication devices. 综合治理,净化空中电磁环境,确保各类无线电通信设备的可靠运转和使用。
- Coherent All-Radio Band Sensor 相干雷达传感器
- Deutsche Welle Global Best Podcast 2005 winner. All radios go to hell! 声2005年全球最佳播客得主。让收音机下地狱去吧!
- Research on CSS 1150+497(4C49.22) in the Radio Band 致密陡谱源1150+497(4C49.;22)的射电研究
- Powerful human resources flow, information flow, capital flow and trade flow have integrated and cohered all around. 强大的人才流、信息流、资金流、贸易流全方位交汇贯通。
- Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world. 北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?