- Relationship between Gerontic Cognition Declination and Hearing Function 老年人认知障碍与听功能的关系探讨
- Many geriatricians recommend vitamin E for mild cognitive decline. 许多老年病学专家主张服用维生素E,来治疗轻度的认知衰退。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- It's not certain why distress-prone people might be more vulnerable to cognitive decline and dementia. 目前还不清楚为什么那些有压力倾向的人容易出现认知减退和痴呆。
- Cognition declination 认知障碍
- Does Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Prevents Dementia or Cognitive Decline in Patients With Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Disease? 降压治疗能够预防心血管疾病和脑血管疾病患者痴呆和认知下降吗?
- Buckner said the study suggests the cognitive decline in aging may be linked to communication problems between regions of the brain. 巴克纳指出,该项研究表明:在老年人中知觉的衰退很可能与大脑各区域之间的信息交流有关。
- And these hungry critters tend to be healthier, too: with lower cholesterol, better insulin sensitivity, and even slower cognitive decline. 而且这些饥饿的小动物也更加健康:它们的胆固醇含量降低、它们具有更好的胰岛素感受力、还有它们的认知能力下降也减慢了。
- However, compared with the reference group, the rate of cognitive decline after anticholinergic use was 0.045 units/year more rapid (P = .0044), the authors write. 不过,作者写道,相较于对照组,使用抗胆碱药物后的认知衰退为0.;045单位/年较迅速(P =
- This is the leap once of process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- This is the second stage of cognition. 这是认识的第二个阶段。
- A feeling or emotion as distinguished from cognition, thought, or action. 感情有别于认识,思想或行为的感情或情感
- The article reviews the homocysteine metabolism, its possible mechanisms of action in cognitive decline and dementia and its relationship between homocysteine and cognitive function. 文章对同型半胱氨酸的代谢、在认知功能减退和痴呆中的可能作用机制及其与认知功能的关系进行了综述。
- The scientists suggested in the paper that long-term supplementation “may be effective in attenuating age-associated cognitive decline by slowing the rate of mitochondrial decay and cellular aging. 科学家在报告中暗示长期服用补充剂“可能对通过减缓线粒体衰退和细胞老化来削弱由老化引起的认知能力下降有效”。
- Emotions are not tools of cognition. 情绪并不能作为认知的工具。
- The risk of dementia was reported to be increased 4-fold in patients with subcortical infarcts.Cortical microinfarcts and microbleeds were also shown to be associated with cognitive decline. 一项让年老的房颤病人口服抗凝剂的试验证实华法林的效果优于阿司匹林且并不增加出血这一严重不良反应。
- The therapeutic potential of using human NGF to provide a long-lasting cholinergic trophic support, thereby preventing or slowing cognitive decline in AD patients, has therefore a strong rationale. 人NGF具有提供持续的胆碱能营养支持的治疗潜力,因此可以防止或减缓AD患者的认知能力障碍,从而有强大的理论基础。
- It is of special value for subjects and cognition. 它的研究具有其独特的主体论价值和认识论价值。
- It is a Big leapin the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次大飞跃。
- How does science become to cognition tool? 科学是如何成为认识工具的?