- Coffee leaves a stain. 咖啡会留下污迹。
- Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. 不加奶的咖啡在嘴里留下了一些苦味。
- May your life be like the snowflake, which leaves a mark but not a stain. 愿你的生命像雪花,留下标记而不是污点。
- Red wine leaves a stain. 红葡萄酒能留下痕迹。
- Such a man is a stain to humanity. 这种人是人类的耻辱。
- He left the court without a stain on his character. 他经法庭一役,人格丝毫无损。
- Red ink washes out but always leaves a pink stain. 红墨水能被水洗去,但总会留下一些粉红色痕迹。
- He leaves a widow and two children. 他身後留下一个寡妇和两个孩子。
- A stain on one's character or reputation; a disgrace. 污点,缺陷名誉上的污点,性格上的缺陷; 羞耻
- There was a stain of ink left on the desk. 桌上留有墨水的污点。
- A discolored spot, smudge, or area; a stain. 变色点,污渍,污处,污迹
- ARIEL - Don't let a stain ruin your day. 不要让污渍毁了你的一天。
- He never leaves a job unfinished. 他干什么事从来没有不干完的。
- A stain was spreading on the bathroom ceiling. 浴室天花板上的污渍正在渗开。
- I will leave a message with the receptionist. 我会给前台小姐留个口信。
- To color(a microscopic specimen) with such a stain. 用对比染色剂染(显微术样本)
- There is still a stain on the shirt. 在这件衬衫上面仍然有一个污点。
- Leave a radio at the patient's elbow. 在病人手边留一个收音机。
- A discolored spot, smudge, or area;a stain. 通过涂抹污迹使其变脏。
- Her behavior will leave a stigma on her family. 她的行为将给她的家庭留下污名。