- Coffea arabica L. [医] 咖啡(树)
- Gourmet coffee comes from the best coffee beans of coffea arabica. 极品咖啡源于最好的阿拉比卡咖啡豆。
- Nutrition diagnosis and balanced application of fertilizers of Coffea arabica L.in coffee-litchi agroforestry. 咖啡-荔枝混农林系统中小粒咖啡营养诊断及平衡施肥效应研究
- The two commercially significant species of coffee beans are: coffea arabica, and coffea robusta. 商业上熟知的两种咖啡豆是:阿拉比卡豆和罗伯斯特豆。
- The relation between chilling injury and membrane permeability dependedon the growth stage of Coffea arabica leaves and the ambient environment. 在比较冷害程度和膜透性变化的关系时,必须特别注意叶子所处的生长阶段和外界环境条件所产生的影响。
- The most important products of Rubiaceae are coffee (mainly from Coffea arabica and C. canephora) and quinine (from Chinchona species). 本科植物包含重要的经济作物有:咖啡和治疗疟疾的原料-奎宁;
- Banna in the tropical crop research institute can buy up the processing of Coffea arabica, is the best gift to friends and relatives. 在版纳的热带作物研究所可以买到加工好了的小粒咖啡,是馈赠亲友的佳品。
- A species of coffee,Coffea arabica, originating in Ethiopia and widely cultivated for its high-quality, commercially valuable seeds. 阿拉伯咖啡:一种咖啡(阿拉伯咖啡),原产于埃塞俄比亚,因其商业价值极高的优质咖啡豆而大量种植
- CsSPDS amino acid sequences showed high degree identity compared with known SPDS from other species. And SPDS from Coffea arabica has the highest similarity to CsSPDS. CsSPDS的氨基酸序列与其它已知的亚精胺合成酶具有高度的同源性,其与咖啡亚精胺合成酶同源性最高(identity,87%25)。
- The investigated population of this study was the Coffea arabica population of 26 varieties having been introduced into and being extensively cultivated in China. 本研究以当前国内广为种植的小粒种咖啡品种群体为总体,观察了26个品种幼龄树的28个性状。
- Arabica coffee trees(Coffea arabica)with 2m spacing were planted in Doi Tung, and mango trees(Mangifera indica)with 4m spacing were planted in Chiang Dao above the grass strips. 在DoiTung,种咖啡树,株距2m。在清道,把芒果树种在1m宽的草带上,株距4m;
- The relationship between soil microbial biomass and soil organic C and respiration in three different agroforestry models, namely rubber tree + Amomum villosum, rubber tree + Coffea arabica and pure rubber plantation was investigated. 探讨了橡胶与砂仁、橡胶与咖啡间种和纯橡胶林3种栽培模式下的土壤微生物生物量及其与土壤有机碳和土壤微生物呼吸强度的关系。
- Foliar applicationofbag-raised7-8-month-old coffee trees(Coffea arabica)showedthatbothchelated rare earth molybdate and rare earth nitrate couldpromote nitrogen and carbonassimilation in leaves ofCoffea arabica. 以塑料袋小粒种咖啡7-8月龄小苗对生叶为材料,取其中一片涂施稀土铝或硝酸稀土微肥作为处理,另一片徐清水为对照。
- Different plants demanded different optimum PFD and maximum rateof photosynthesis (Amax) , which were both the lowest in A, macrorrhize, the highest in Heveabrasiliensis and medium in Coffea arabica. 不同植物所要求最适的PFD值和最大光合速率(Amax)不同,海芋较低,橡胶较高,咖啡介于前二者中间;
- The family includes a few light timber trees, coffee (Coffea arabica ), and Cincbona, whose bark is a source of quinine.There are some cultivated ornamentals, such as Gardenia jasminoides and Ixora. 这一科的植物包括一些较轻的成材乔木,如咖啡(Coffeaarabica)和金鸡纳属植物(其树皮是奎宁的来源),一些为人工种植的观赏树种,如栀子(Gardeniajasminoides)和龙船花属植物。
- Rejuvenation Trial on Cold Damaged Trees of Coffea arabica 小粒种咖啡寒害树截干复壮试验初报
- Relationship between Characters and Yield of Coffea arabica 小粒咖啡性状与产量的关系
- London is spelt with a capital L'. London一字中L是大写的。