- Image processing for coded level ruler of digital levels is the critical technology to realize the automatic reading of digital levels. 摘要数字水准仪编码水准尺的图像处理是实现数字水准仪自动读数的关键技术。
- Coded level ruler 编码水准尺
- Bar code level ruler 条码标尺
- Put bottom the BOBU art with nails lean against the level ruler. 把装好钉的BOBU下沿放在水平尺上,轻轻按下。
- Repeat steps 6 - 10 for each outline code level you want to specify. 对要指定的每一级大纲代码重复步骤6到步骤10。
- You can display code levels without a separator character. 您可以显示没有分隔字符的代码级别。
- You can either enter the exact number of characters or select Any to allow any number of characters for that code level. 您可以输入确切的字符数,也可以选择“任意”,以允许该代码级别有任意数量的字符。
- You can reuse code at the source code level by wrapping any desktop or Pocket PC specific code in conditional compile directives. 您可以通过在条件编译指令中包装任何桌面或Pocket PC特定代码,在源代码级重用代码。
- Test the flatness of plate, leveling ruler, machine tool working platform, guides and precision work-piece. 检测平板、平尺、机床工作台、导轨和精密工件的平面度、直线度。
- Use:Test the flatness of plate,leveling ruler,machine tool working platform,guides and precision work-piece. 用途:检测平板、平尺、机床工作台、导轨和精密工件的平面度、直线度。
- Learn assembly code, check how compiler generates code, learn how virtual function works, learn to debug at assembly code level. 了解汇编代码,检查编译器是如何产生代码的,了解虚函数是如何工作的,学习在汇编代码一级调试程序。
- Well, instead of just always having to go down and work at the source code level we'd like to be able to do visual programming. 好吧,取代仅仅总是必须在来源密码去下并且工作同高的我们想要能够做视觉的规画。
- Java debuggers are designed to work at the source code level, and without Java source code that matches the bytecode instructions, they re effectively useless. Java调试器是被设计为工作在源代码级,如果没有与字节码指令相匹配的Java源代码,调试器实际上是无用的。
- If you add a description for an outline code level, Microsoft Office Project 2003 groups tasks or resources by the description ("Marketing cost code") not the code ("MKTG"). 如果为大纲代码级别添加了说明,Microsoft Office Project 2003会根据说明(“市场成本代码”)而不是代码(“MKTG”)对任务或资源进行分组。
- In coordination with the leveling instrument, optical flatness measuring instrument and electronic leveling instrument to test the flatness of plate, leveling ruler, machine tool working platform, guides and precision workpiece. 配合水平仪、光学平直仪、电子水平仪用来检测平板、平尺、机床工作台、导轨和精密工件的平面度。
- Use:In coordination with the leveling instrument,optical flatness measuring instrument and electronic leveling instrument to test the flatness of plate,leveling ruler,machine tool working platform,guides and precision workpiece. 用途:用途:配合水平仪、光学平直仪、电子水平仪用来检测平板、平尺、机床工作台、导轨和精密工件的平面度。
- The coded message was indecipherable. 这份用密码写的消息译不出来。
- DBAS defensive system is divided into three levels: Decision-support level,code level,and data encryption lev... 首先保证存放数据库站点的安全性,其次保证访问数据库应用程序的健壮性和安全性,最后保护数据库中的数据的机密性。
- Polk has the capabilities, knowledge and experience to help its clients to design the most efficient and logistically efficient Sales and Aftersales network at national, province, city, district and post code level. 我们拥有相关的能力、知识和经验,帮助您在省级区域、市级区域、市行政区级区域和邮政编码级区域设计最为高效的销售及售后服务网络。
- In the Separator column, type or select the character you want to use for separating outline code levels. 在“分隔符”列中,键入或选择要用于分隔大纲代码级别的字符。