- The Code of Hammurabi was one of many sets of laws in the Ancient Near East. 汉谟拉比法典是古代近东的众多法典之一。
- The position of the mushkenu in society can be surmised from a number of legal provisions in the Code of Hammurabi. 依附民在社会中的地位可以在汉谟拉比法典的几个法律规定中猜度出来。
- A copy of the Code of Hammurabi was found by J. de Morgan at Susa, where it had been taken as plunder, and is now in the Louvre. 一份汉谟拉比法典被J.;德摩根在苏萨(伊朗西部古代遗址,古代埃兰王国的首都)发现,现在存放在罗浮宫(法国巴黎)。
- Further examination of the Code of Hammurabi reveals that ancient society was divided into three classes -- the Aristocracy, the ordinary people, and slaves. 对《汉谟拉比法典》进行了进一步的研究后,揭示出古代的社会分为三个阶级--贵族,普通人和奴隶。
- Although we don't know much about Sumerian law, scholars agree that the Code of Hammurabi, written by a Babylonian monarch, reproduces Sumerian law fairly exactly. 虽然我们对苏美人的法律瞭解不多,学者们同意巴比伦君王书写的汉摩拉比的法令,公平的严密的复制了苏美人的法律。
- As to the rent ratio of the field-lease in Old Babylon period, the scholars believed that the rent ratio was the 1/2 or 1/3 simply according to a provision of the code of Hammurabi. 国内学者仅仅根据《汉穆腊比法典》中第46条规定,认为土地租赁的租金比率为土地“收成的1/2或1/3”,这种观点是非常片面的。
- The earlier Ur-Nammu, of the written literature prolific Ur-III dynasty (2050 BC), also produced a code of laws, some of which bear resemblance to certain specific laws in the Code of Hammurabi. 较早期的乌尔纳姆法典(也译作吾珥-那木法典),是乌尔三世时期(公元前2050年)的众多书写文献之一,也是一部法典,其中一些细节与汉谟拉比法黄相似。
- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典
- I can break the code of this box. 我能破译这个箱子的密码。
- "In Babylon, the Code of Hammurabi was engraved on a tall stele." 在古巴比伦,著名的《汉摩拉比法典》即被刻写在一块高大的石碑上。
- Students must observe the code of the school. 学生必须遵守校规。
- The Code of Hammurabi and Old Babylonian Social Justice 《汉穆拉比法典》与古巴比伦的社会正义
- Do you know the postal code of this postal district? 你知道这个邮政区的邮政编码吗?
- A standard code of seven bits proposed by ASA. 由美国标准协会列为标准代码的一种七单位代码。
- One who gives a code of laws to a people. 制定法典者给一个民族制订法典的人
- Discussion on the Old Babylon land system by the Law Code of Hammurabi and the field contracts 从《汉穆拉比法典》和土地买卖合同看古巴比伦时期的土地制度
- The area code of our city is 0593. 我们市的电话区号是0593。
- You must live up to the code of the school. 你必须遵守学校的规则。
- May I have the area code of Chicago ,please? 请问芝加哥的区域号码?
- The sport has a strict code of conduct. 体育运动有严格的行为规范。