- There is no coalition of members of the economy. 这种经济的各部门之间不存在联合。
- Coalition of schoolmates 同学联盟
- A fusion is a coalition of parties. 联合就是各个党派结成联盟。
- A coalition of farmers' groups demanded more government support. 农民团体联盟政府给予更多支持。
- A coalition of Christian Democrats and Liberals broke down. 基督教民主党和自由党的联盟垮台了。
- The coalition of the willing has proved a slender reed. 自愿联合已被证明是脆弱的。
- They should represent a coalition of the views of their members. 他们应当代表他们成员的意见的集合。
- This can only be achieved by a coalition of the different groups. 这只能通过不同团体相联合来实现。
- Its government is a three-party coalition of the most unlikely kind. 其政府是最不稳固的三党联合。
- Initial returns showed a strong lead for a coalition of Shi'ite groups. 初步结果显示,一个什叶派联盟获得明显优势。
- CERC became a coalition of more than 50 organizations and 100 individuals. CERC拥有50多组织会员和100多位个人会员。
- Its Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries is a think tank on service policy. 该会的智囊团香港服务业联盟,专就服务业政策提供意见。
- A lot of schoolmates offer flowers to her ,the schoolmates of already graduated sent kinescopes and records to her. 无数个的同学献花,已毕业的同学寄回来了录相带、录音带。
- The motivating force of primary migration is the coalition of buoyancy and capillary pressure. 油气运移的动力是浮力和毛细管压力的共同作用。
- The ruling political party or coalition of political parties in a parliamentary system. 执政党国会里的执政党或联合执政党
- In stable equilibrium, the coalition of insiders has the same goals as outside investors. 在稳定均衡中,内部人集团与外部投资者目标一致。
- Coalition of insiders breaks up, e. G., If top management wants to cash out in a bubble. 内部人集团破裂,例如,泡沫现象下高级管理层套现。
- Equality Party: formed by members of Democratic Coalition of Muslims and Albanians in Montenegro. 平等党:由黑山穆斯林族人和阿尔巴尼亚族人民主联盟的成员组成。
- Before long, this “coalition of the willing” evolved into the Athenian empire. 不久,这个“意愿的联盟”演变为雅典大帝国。
- She joined in the Morgan Stanley after graduation and took part in the coalition of BP and Amoco. 在她的童年记忆里,书籍起着重大作用,因为书籍对她的影响很深刻。