- Cloud base is 80m measured. 实测云底高度80米。
- FYI, one aircraft has landed and reported cloud base 80m, visibility 1km. What is your intention? 通知你,一架飞机降落并报告,云高80米,能见度1公里,你的意图是什么?
- There was heavy cloud and a lowering cloud base. 阴云密布,而且云层愈来愈低。
- Our company's base is in London, but we have branches all round the world. 我们公司总部设在伦敦,但分公司遍及世界各地。
- A base is the hydroxide of a metal. 碱是金属的氢氧化物。
- The Rebel base is on a moon on the far side. 叛军基地在另一头的卫星上
- Corporate tax base is very mobile. 企业税的税基具有非常高的流动性。
- Flat metal base is heated and used to smooth cloth. 用来熨平衣服的金属平台。
- The tax base is the value, income or wealth taxed. 税基就是价值、所得或征税财富。
- Their Shampoo Base is very nice but a little runny. 知唔知洗头水同护发素,仲有沐浴露点整吗?
- A large U.S. military base is located in Khost. 一个大型美军基地就建在霍斯特市。
- Fusong base is located in Jilin Province. 基地位于吉林省抚松县。
- S. military base is located in Khost. 一个大型美军基地就建在霍斯特市。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Our financial base is stable enough to sustain the extra expenses. 我们的经济实力已相当稳固,足以承担这些额外的开支。
- This vase falls over a lot because the base is too small. 这个花瓶常倒,因为瓶底太
- The party's main power base is in the agricultural regions. 该党的主要支持基础来自农业地区。
- Our company's base is in Taipei, but we have branches all over the island. 我们公司的总部在台北,但是全岛都有分公司。
- Our nuclear power base is comprised of three companies. 我们核电基地总共分为三家公司。
- Unity formed on such a basis is most reliable. 这样基础上形成的团结是最可靠的。