- Many heroic men and women have died in defense of liberty. 许多英勇的男男女女为捍卫自由而牺牲。
- She spoke up in defense of her political beliefs. 她为她的政见力辩。
- Open a window it's very close in here. 打开窗户吧--这里很闷气。
- As autumn advances the days close in. 随着秋天的到来,白天越来越短。
- They had to fight in defense of hearth and home. 我们必须为保卫家园而战。
- She is skilled in defense as well as attack. 她具备进攻和防守技术。
- It's very close in here. Would you mind opening the window? "这里面太闷了,把窗子打开好吗?"
- He speaks boldly in defense of justice. 他仗义执言。
- The days are closing in now that autumn is here. 秋天来到了,白天渐渐短了。
- He gave his life in defense of his country. 他在保卫祖国的时候付出了生命。
- We should stand up in defense of peace. 我们应当起来捍卫和平和幸福。
- They watched him closely in case he should escape. 他们严密监视他,惟恐他会逃脱。
- He spoke In defense of the governments record. 他发言维护政府的政绩。
- He runs me close in mathematics. 他的数学水平和我不相上下。
- Irakli Tsereteli's Statement in Defense of the War. 在防御战争中的声明。
- Iraq peace talks draw to a close in Finland. 伊拉克和谈将在芬兰结束。
- She is tenacious in defense of her rights. 她坚决维护自己的权利。
- Darkness was gradually closing in. 暮色渐渐降临。
- The enemy is closing in (on us). 敌人从四面八方(向我们)逼近。
- The enemy is closing in on the city. 敌人正逼近这座城市。