- We work in close liaison with the police. 我们与警方密切配合。
- Maintain a close liaison with Civil Defence. 保持一次与民防短距离的通信。
- It also maintains close liaison with local consulate officials. 该科也与本港各领事馆官员保持密切联络。
- Immigration officers pay regular visits overseas to maintain close liaison with their counterparts abroad. 入境事务人员定期到海外探访,与外国的出入境部门人员保持紧密联系。
- The department maintains close liaison with shipping and commercial organisations through a number of advisory committees. 海事处通过多个谘询委员会,与航运界和商界的组织保持紧密联络。
- The Observatory has been keeping close liaison with the Education and Manpower Bureau during severe weather situations. 天文台在恶劣天气情况时,与教统局一向保持紧密沟通。
- The CHP will maintain close liaison with the Ministry of Health to obtain more information on the case. 卫生防护中心会继续与卫生部保持密切联系,以了解个案的详情。
- The CHP will maintain close liaison with the Ministry of Health to obtain more information on the cases. 生防护中心会继续与生部保持密切联系,以了解个案的详情。
- It also maintained close liaison with various local organisations in promoting recreational and sports activities in the nine New Territories districts. 此外,临时区域市政局又与辖下新界9区的地方团体保持紧密联系,合力推广区内的康体活动。
- It's important that we work in close liaison with other charities in this field. 在这一领域与其他慈善团体在工作中保持紧密联络非常重要。
- The ICAC said it had worked in close liaison with the Jockey Club and that the investigation was continuing. 廉署表示他们一直和赛马会紧密联系,调查仍在进行。
- Close liaison between Hong Kong Police and overseas counterparts has led to the interception of several major consignments in Hong Kong. 车经香港转运内地的情况有上升趋势,香港警方因此与海外的执法机构加强联系,结果在香港成功堵截多批走私汽车。
- In addition, and imagesetter manufacturers or distributors to maintain close liaison with the maintenance of the equipment working environment. 另外,与激光照排机生产商或销售商保留紧密亲密的干系,以保留摆设的不差处事境况。
- The CAD has maintained close liaison with the civil aviation authorities of the Mainland and Macau in relation to the development of flight procedures and ATC co-ordination arrangements. 香港民航处与内地及澳门的民航管理部门在发展飞行程序及航空交通协调的安排上一直保持紧密的联系。
- Close liaison is maintained with the police and overseas law enforcement agencies for the exchange of intelligence and this has contributed considerably to successful operations against smuggling. 香港海关与警方及海外执法机关保持密切联系,以便互相交换情报,并因而多次成功打击走私活动。
- The Police will maintain close liaison with the organisers and keep a tab on the latest developments before deploying staff and setting out traffic management measures. 警方会与主办者保持密切联络,了解活动的最新进展,以便调配人手及作出交通管理。
- The CHP is maintaining close liaison with the Ministry of Health and the Health Department of Guangdong Province to obtain more information on the case. 生防护中心将继续与生部及广东省生厅保持密切联系,以了解个案的详情。
- The spokesman added that the CHP will continue to maintain close liaison with the World Health Organization and the Vietnam health authority to obtain the latest progress. 发言人说,生防护中心会继续与世界生组织及越南生当局保持密切联系,以掌握最新进展。
- The sub-division maintains close liaison with the media organisations and foreign correspondents based in Hong Kong, provides information to them and handles their enquiries and requests. 该组与驻港传媒机构及外地记者保持密切联系,提供资料及跟进查询,也负责访港记者的采访安排。
- Altogether, no matter what quality management operations or supplier-focused role, which involved close liaison with procurement and new product introduce, I make sure I am competent for SQE position. 总而言之,无论质量管理运作还是关注供应商角色,包括公司内部关系和新产品导入,我确信我能胜任SQE 工作。