- Close Air Support Gun System 近距离空中支援火炮系统
- Close Air Support Gun Program 近距离空中支援火炮计划
- Osean G We're requesting close air support against the remaining bunkers. 空中火力;请求支援对碉堡的攻击.
- Interception, Air Superiority, Escort, Strike and Close Air Support. 拦截,侦察,空域压制,护卫,强袭和支援。
- AWACS Thunderhead The four companies will now land at their designated beach heads. Commence close air support. 4支登陆队伍应该已经到达到指定海滩抢滩登陆了.;开始进行支援
- But if there are fewer unexpected events,then maybe you don't have to have that concept of close air support. 但是,如果未曾预料的情况寥寥无几,近距空中支援的概念也就可有可无了。
- We've got Close Air Support on standby. Designate targets for our birds with Marking Beacons. 我们的空袭部队已经准备好了。用空袭信标指引轰炸位置。
- Close Air Support - Increases the Ground Attack and Naval Attack values of Air units. 近战支援:增加空军对陆军和海军的攻击力。
- Osean G Company C Requesting immediate close air support! Attack that large bunker from the air! 请求空中火力支援,快!攻击那座大型碉堡!
- According to Niemi, close air support falls into the misconception category, at least for now. 按照尼米的说法,近距离空中支援就是错误理解当中的一类,至少到目前为止是这样。
- Close Air Support Management System 紧密空中支援管理系统
- The Americans have developed a concept of close air support,primarily in which the Air Force,provides close air support to the Army. 美国人曾经发展了近距空中支援的概念。主要是空军向陆军提供近距空中支援。
- Close Air Support Survivability Enhancement System 近距离空中支援生存力增强系统
- The Americans have developed a concept of close air support, primarily in which the Air Force, provides close air support to the Army. 美国人曾经发展了近距空中支援的概念。主要是空军向陆军提供近距空中支援。
- Close Air Support Integrated Targeting System 近空支援综合瞄准系统
- Aside from avionics, pilot proficiencies developed in close air support and forward air controller missions apply to the CSAR mission. 除了航电系统,飞行员在近距离空中支援和在战斗搜寻与救援任务当中前线空中管制任务中的熟练程度也很重要。"
- In conclusion, this article has attempted to examine the issue of close air support and battlefield air interdiction from a variety of perspectives. 总而言之,这篇文章尝试从不同的视角检讨有关近距离空中支援和战场空中遮断的话题。
- How do I size nozzles for a multiple gun system? 问题对于一个多水枪系统我应选择多大的喷嘴?
- They drove comfortably to Hagaru-ri with Smith in a rare burst of jocularity promising Harris a station wagon of his own in exchange for continued close air support. 他们舒舒服服地到达了下碣隅里,在路上史密斯开玩笑说,如果哈里斯能保证他的空中支援,他就自己掏钱送一辆旅行车给哈里斯。