- Climate System Monitoring 气候系统监测
- A simple process and system monitor. 简单的进程和系统监视器。
- A Damped Decadal Oscillation in the North Atlantic Climate System. 北大西洋气候系统潮湿年代际振荡。
- The Diurnal Cycle and Its Depiction in the Community Climate System Model. 公共气候系统的日循环和描述。
- System Monitor replaced Performance Monitor after Windows NT 4.0. 在Windows NT 4.;0以后的版本;系统监视器替换了性能监视器。
- System monitoring that alerts the enterprise to security breaches. 安全入侵的系统监视。
- Climate Systems Nippon Light Metal Company, Ltd. 日本轻金属株式会社株式会社。
- WiTrack - positioning system monitoring and tracking WiFi devices. 卫星定位系统的监测和跟踪的无线设备。
- A highly configurable tabbed system monitor application. 一个可高度定制的多标签系统监视器。
- Correlate a SQL Server Profiler trace with System Monitor log data. 编辑一个系统监测统计日志.
- The multiple factors that are now destabilizing the global climate system could cause it to jump abruptly out of its current state. 动摇全球气候系统的多重因素也可能使其突然改变现有的状态。
- Adaptation to raise the threshold of dangerous interference with the climate system. 适应以提升抵御气候系统危险的阈值。
- Component when you want to build file system monitoring into your application. 如果要向应用程序中加入文件系统监视功能,可以创建。
- It also supports a theory that the icy continent is mostly isolated from the rest of the world's climate system. 它同时提交了一个理论,就是这个冰封的大陆的气候并不属于全球气象系统。
- System Monitor enables you to see disk access and network use on %1. 系统监视器使您可以看到在%251上的访问和网络使用。
- That is the level above which, the UN says, the Earth's climate system would become dangerously unstable. 联合国表示,超过这个水平的话,地球气候系统就会处于险境、变得很不稳定。
- Whether El Nino and La Nina events, which of big events to world climate system can affect climate of Guangdong? 厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜这两个对全球气候系统有巨大影响的事件的发生,是否会影响到广东省的气候状况?
- The impacts of that tug-of-war on the climate system could be devilishly difficult to untangle. 气候系统的这种拉锯战的冲击影响可能是极难理清解决的。
- Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect is one of the clearest impacts of human activity to climate system. 摘要城市热岛现象是人类活动对气候系统产生的最显著的影响之一。
- The ways we use energy are disrupting the climate system and threaten terrifying disruptions in decades to come. 我们使用能源的方法破坏了气候系统并会在今后几十年造成可怕威胁。