- Click Yes to confirm deletion. 单击“是”确认删除操作。
- Click Yes to confirm the deletion. 单击“是”确认删除。
- Click Yes to confirm the email address to be removed from the Blocked Senders list. 单击Yes以确认将要从Blocked Senders列表中移除邮件地址。
- When asked to confirm the update, click Yes. 在要求确认更新时,单击“是”。
- When Access prompts you to confirm the deletion, click Yes. Access提示您确认删除时,单击“是”。
- When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes. 当提示您确认删除时,请单击“是”。
- If you are prompted to confirm the check-in, click Yes. 提示您确认签入时,请单击“是”。
- Click YES to agree the Readme Information. 单击YES(是),同意软件许可协议。
- You'll be asked to confirm deletion before anything is erased. 这才是删除站点的地方,最后提醒一句,删除要慎重!
- Click Yes to close the alert message and start the test. 单击“是”关闭警告消息并启动测试。
- Close the window and click Yes to create the stored procedure. 关闭窗口并单击“是”创建存储过程。
- By default, Team System testing tools displays a dialog box that prompts you to confirm deletion of the test run. 默认情况下,Team System testing tools会显示一个对话框,提示您确认删除测试运行。
- Click Yes to proceed with the script, or click No to avoid running the script. 单击“是”继续执行脚本,或单击“否”避免运行该脚本。
- Close the advanced editor, making sure that you click Yes to save your changes. 关闭高级编辑器,确保单击“是”保存更改。
- Click Yes to paste the data graphic and the imported data source from the original drawing into the new drawing. 单击“是”将数据图形和导入的数据源从原始绘图复制到新绘图中。
- If you get prompted that the Analysis ToolPak is not currently installed on your computer, click Yes to install it. 如果系统提示计算机当前未安装分析工具库,请单击“是”以安装它。
- The settings you are modifying now have been changed. Click Yes to reload them and No to continue editing. 设置已经被修改。点击"是"重新加载它们,点击"否"继续编辑。
- Access prompts you to confirm the deletion. Access将提示您确认删除。
- Send Port with this name exits, please click Yes to reuse it and No to rollBack. 带有此名称的发送端口已存在,请单击“是”重新使用它或单击“否”回滚。
- Note:When you start to refurbish,the Phoenix will display the image below,click YES to continue. 注意,刷机的时候会出现下载的提示,点击"是"继续刷机即可。