- The top of the table was formed by a stone slab. 桌面是一块石板。
- The top of the table was a polished slab of marble. 桌面是一块磨光的大理石板。
- They placed me at the top of the table. 他们请我坐在首席的位置。
- He takes the top of the table on the meeting. 开会时他坐在首席。
- Purine rich foods are on the top of the table. 嘌呤丰富的食物是表格上方的。
- He tapped the top of the table with his knuckles. 他用指关节轻敲着桌面。
- Can you polish the top of the table? 请把桌面擦亮好吗?
- Our host placed us at the top of the table. 主人让我们坐在上座。
- If Arsenal win this game they'll go to the top of the table. 阿森纳队如果赢得这场比赛,就会登上积分榜首。
- The burning cigarette left a mark on the top of the table. 香烟在桌面上烧了一个疤。
- Clean the top of the table. 净一净桌面儿。
- The gaffer told us."To be at the top of the table is good. 这位主教练说:“能够坐在积分榜首位的位置上固然是好事。
- Can you reach the book on the top of the cupboard? 你能够到柜顶的那本书吗?
- The top of the castle tower has been shot off. 城堡塔楼的顶部已被炸掉了。
- He is too timid to get up to the top of the ladder. 他太胆小爬不上梯子的顶端。
- The handles that run across the top of the table are column handles. 穿过表顶部上下拉伸的句柄是列句柄。
- A plane fleeted over the top of the hill. 一架飞机掠过山顶。
- I was winded when I got to the top of the hill. 我爬到山顶时喘不过气来了。
- The friezes round the top of the wall are delicate. 墙顶的横条很精致。
- On top of the saddle is the table. 床鞍上有工作台。