- Claviceps fusiformis 梭形麦角
- Claviceps microcephala(Wallr.)Tul. 拂子茅麦角菌
- Infection of grains by the ascomycete claviceps purpura causes ergotism, a toxic condition. 谷物被子串菌纲麦角菌污染后,导致麦角中毒,一种中毒症状。
- The paper studied ferment condition of Claviceps paspali to producing ergot alkali. 研究了雀稗麦角菌产麦角碱发酵条件。
- This paper is a study of culture medium of Claviceps Paspali for ergot alkali fermentation. 对产麦角碱雀稗麦角菌的发酵培养基进行了研究。
- A fungus(Claviceps purpurea) that infects various cereal plants and forms compact black masses of branching filaments that replace many of the grains of the host plant. 麦角菌一种麦角属真菌(麦角菌麦角菌属),它感染谷类作物,形成一种紧密的黑色分叉细丝状物质代替作物的谷粒
- It was found that the left gyrus temporalis medius as well as the left gyrus fusiformis were activated by both Chinese and English stimuli. 研究发现,1)中、英文刺激在左侧颞叶中后部及相邻的梭状回激活的脑区非常相似,该脑区可能与语义信息的存储有关。
- The author proposed that culture of the parental mature Hizikia fusiformis under longer photoperiod would be of benefit to the artificial seedlings through sexual reproduction. 在羊栖菜通过有性繁殖途径进行的苗种生产过程中,较长的光照周期有利于提高苗种生产效率。
- Claviceps microcephala Tul. 拂子茅麦角菌
- The feasibility of the protoplast mutagenesis for increasing productivity was studied on a Claviceps paspali strain, which was not easy to produce conidia under laboratory conditions. 为了提高在一般条件下不易产生分生孢子的雀稗麦角菌的产碱率,对原生质体诱变育种的条件和方法进行了探讨。
- The isoeugenol aqueous biphasic system was developed successfully for effective transforming isoeugenol to vanillin by Bacillus fusiformis CGMCC1347,which had high tolerance of isoeugenol and was(isolated) by screening and selection from soil. 从土壤中筛选获得一株能耐受高浓度异丁香酚并高效转化生成香草醛的纺锤芽孢杆菌Bacillus fusiformis菌株CGMCC1347,研究了微生物细胞在异丁香酚-水两相体系中转化异丁香酚制备香草醛的过程。
- Ceratium contrarium var. clavicepsn. 相反角藻棒形变种
- fusiformis and Oikopleura. spp were rare species. 除了Oikopleura.
- Euglena spirogyra var. fusiformisn. 旋纹裸藻纺锤变种
- Lepocinclis fusiformis var. amphirhynchusn. 纺锤鳞孔藻双喙变种
- Sulfated polysaccharides from Hizikia fusiformis 羊栖菜硫酸多糖
- Oxytoxum diploconus var. fusiformisn. 双锥尖甲藻梭形变种
- Strombomonas fusiformis var. fusiformisn. 梭形陀螺藻原变种
- Strombomonas fusiformis var. longicaudan. 梭形陀螺藻长尾变种
- Pyrocystis fusiformis f. bicornian. 梭梨甲藻双锥变型