- The Yasukuni Shrine which honors the Second World War era class A war criminals is the spiritual pillar of the Japanese national militarism. 摘要日本靖国神社供奉着二战甲级战犯牌位,是战时日本军国主义的精神支柱。
- Citing China's most revered philosopher, he added: "The issue of Class A war criminals is often brought up. 引证中国的大部分崇敬了哲学家,他补述: "班级的议题一战犯时常长大。
- Nowadays, several high-ranking officials paid their visits to the Yasukuni Shrine, where class A war criminals are enshrined. 今内阁高官数人,悍然参拜靖国神社,侵夺之心不灭,图霸之势昭然!
- But the change of venue may spring from worries at the five visits he has made as prime minister to the Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo, which honours Japan's war dead, including 14 Class A war criminals. 但之所以改变了访问地点,有可能是担心他作为首相五次参拜靖国神社带来的影响。靖国神社位于东京,供奉日本战争亡灵,其中包括14名甲级战犯。
- Listing Iwane Matsui as a class A war criminal is appropriate, and there is no question of “injustice. 松井石根列名甲级战犯确有所当,并无“冤枉”可言。
- One of his strongest backers was Nobusuke Kishi, a prime minister in the late 1950s who had been a Class A war criminal suspect but was never charged. 1950年代晚期担任日本首相、也是未遭控告的甲级战犯嫌疑人岸信介,支持帕尔最力。
- In the 1940s, as minister for munitions, he oversaw the forced-labour programmes.After the war he was indicted as a Class A war criminal, though never charged. 在1940,作为军需省次官,他负责监督劳工计划,战后他被控告为日本甲级战犯,尽管没有被判刑。
- Yasukuni Shrine was built to honor war dead in past battles since Meiji restoration (most of the wars were results of Japanese aggression). Hideki Tojo, who was convicted as a Class A war criminal after World War II, is also honored in the Shrine. 靖国神社是日本祭祀明治维新以来历次战争(多为侵略战争)中死亡军人的场所,二战中的东条英机等甲级战犯也被奉祀在这里。
- Class A war criminals 甲级战犯
- Class A war criminal 合祭甲级战犯
- Which country elected a World War II fascist war criminal( Class A) as a peacetime leader? 二战后哪个国家选举了甲级战犯作为领导人?
- You're on a list, the Americans have you on a list as a war criminal. 你已经上了名单,美国人会把你列入引发一场战争的罪人名单里。
- The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production. 战争带来的必然结果就是生产力下降。
- Japanese Grade - A War Criminals 日本甲级战犯
- The teacher set her class a mathematics exercise for homework. 那位女教师给班上布置数学的家庭作业。
- It take at least two to make a peace, but one can make a war. 一方燃起的战火,至少两方才能媾和。
- Israel's enemies brand him a war criminal who personifies the sins they consider inherent in Zionism. 以色列的敌人给他贴上了战争犯的标签,视他为犹太复国主义一切罪过的化身。
- A war criminal he is. Someday it will be just like the statues of Saddam toppled down in Iraq. 什么开国元勋?战犯而已,有朝一日会像美军解放伊拉克时,萨达姆的塑像被群众推翻。
- If a war broke out, many other countries will be affected. 一旦战争爆发,许多国家都要受到波及。
- The war criminals will be put on trial. 战争罪犯将受到审判。