- Cars are not allowed to go through the city centre. 禁止汽车从市中心穿行。
- The strikers paraded through the city centre. 罢工者游行通过市中心。
- Traffic has snarled up the city centre. 来往车辆把市中心堵得水泄不通。
- I have a plan for the reconstruction of the city centre. 我有一个重建城市中心的计划。
- It is a classic example of how not to design a new city centre. 这对设计新市中心是个最佳的反面教材。
- City Centre: Maggiore Square . City: Residential Area ... 市中心.市区...博洛那65酒店
- The new hospital will be sited at the city centre. 新医院将坐落在市中心。
- City centre area 城市中心区
- Do you advocate banning cars in the city centre? 你支持禁止汽车在市中心通行这一主张吗?
- Terrorists set off a bomb in the city centre. 恐怖分子在市中心引爆了一枚炸弹。
- Located in Haikou City Centre, founded in 1954, the total area of 440 mu. 位于海口市中心,始建于1954年,总占地面积440亩。
- Two and two halves to the city centre,please. 劳驾,买去市中心的两张全票和两张半票。
- Follow the signs for the city centre. 照标牌的指示到市中心。
- Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre. 交通状况很差,尤其是在市中心。
- We live ten minutes from the city centre by bus. 从我们的住处到市中心只要乘十分钟的公共汽车。
- A It's south-east of the city centre. 在市中心的东南方。
- The Olympic Stadium is north of the city centre. 奥林匹克体育场在市中心的北部。
- How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi? 乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱?
- All links except for the Government of Canada take you to the Computer Security Resource Centre area of the NIST site. 除“加拿大政府”链接外,其他所有链接都会带您进入NIST网站的计算机安全资源中心区域。
- Traffic has snarledup the city centre. 来往车辆把市中心堵得水泄不通。