- City identity design 城市形象设计
- Corporation identity design for jolly travel group. 嘉士商旅集团形象设计。
- Corporation identity design for shenzhen library. 深圳市图书馆标志设计开发。
- Corporation identity design for news four of fujian TV station. 福建电视台4套新闻频道形象系统开发。
- VI design, corporate identity design is an important part. VI设计,是企业形象设计的重要组成部分。
- Furthermore, open space forms the city identity and the image of urban landscape;promote civilian health and social harmony through conforming humanistic concourse and space. 不仅如此,它还通过整合人性化场所和空间,形成城市景观的形象和特色,促进市民健康和社会和谐。
- Corporation identity design for Graduate school at shenzhen, tsinghua university. 清华大学深圳研究生院形象系统开发。
- Corporation identity design for subject of floating material resources, tsinghua university. 清华物流标志设计开发。
- Promotional materials, packaging, TV radio advertisements, Webpage design, brand and corporate identity design are areas with the greatest potential. 内地市场对宣传资料、包装、电视电台广告、网页设计、品牌和企业形象设计等服务的需求最为殷切。
- The concept and philosophies of modern shops and boutiques have brought a new approach to brand identity design, taking on urban and cultural roles unimaginable in other times. 现代商店设计的个性化带来了新的品牌设计理念,使其成为都市文化的角色,这在以前的时代是不可想象的。
- In other way, Hong Kong tries to construct its particular city identities differencing from modern native country. 另一方面有试图把自己建构成区别于现代民族国家的特殊的城市身份认同。
- Graduates will be engaged in design management, teaching and research work in fields of digital product design, furniture design, daily necessities design, product identity design. 毕业生就业去向:主要从事数码产品设计、家俱设计、日用品设计、产品系统形象设计等方面的设计、教学和科研工作。
- An essential resource, this reference should be close at hand on every corporate identity designer's bookshelf. 这种首要的资源应该时刻存放在社团身份设计者的书架上。
- It reestablish historic links to long-neglectect natural features, creating places of beauty for visitors and local residents while often catalyzing and shaping a citys identity. 重现历史与长期被人遗忘的自然之间的联系,在塑造城市特色的同时,为游客和当地居民创造就优美的风景。
- Today, as it prepares to become a stronger global player, StatoilHydro officially went back to the Statoil name and adopted its new identity designed by Scandinavian Design Group. 今天,它准备成为一个强大的全球竞争者,挪威国家石油正式回到了挪威国家石油公司的名称,并通过了新的身份斯堪的纳维亚设计集团设计的。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- It might be an industrial product or a handicraft commodity. Its requirement is novelty, that is an identical design did not appear in public before the priority date. 受保护的产品可能是工业产品或者手工业制品。对于这种设计的要求是新颖性,即在优先日以前公共领域未出现过相同的设计。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。
- Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York city. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。
- corporate visual identity design system 企业视觉识别设计系统