- City Code of Guangxi Zhuang 广西壮族自治区城市区号
- Analysis of apo E phenotype in the healthy population of Guangxi Zhuang Nationality? 广西壮族健康人群载脂蛋白E表型分析
- Experiments on the overall evaluation of the road network of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region showed the effectiveness of the proposed method. 对广西壮族自治区近年来公路网建设的整体性评价显示了该方法的有效性。
- The system of Tusi in Zhuang Area of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region began in the North Song Dynasty with a history of about one thousand years. 广西壮族地区的土司制度大约开始于北宋时期,历时千年,是壮族发展史上非常重要的阶段。
- On behalf of the Department of Justice of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guangxi Lawyers Association, I express the sincere congratulation on this successful forum. 我代表广西壮族自治区司法厅和广西壮族自治区律师协会,向这次论坛大会的成功举行表示衷心的祝贺!
- Because of her outstanding work, she was conferred the title “Special Grade Teacher of Middle School” by People's Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 2006. 因为工作出色,2006年被广西壮族自治区人民政府授予“中学特级教师”称号。
- Objective: To investigate the current status of taeniasis and the pathogen of taeniasis in Binyang and Rongshui counties of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. 目的:了解广西壮族自治区宾阳县及融水县部分村寨带绦虫病的流行情况及病原虫种。
- Maonan people live in the mountains of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, which is situated in Southwest China.The population of the Maonan Minority is approximately 70,000. 毛南族聚居在中国西南边陲的广西壮族自治区境内的大山中,现有人口7万左右。
- The Economic and Technological Cooperation Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region shall be responsible for the rewards to those who have attracted investments from other provinces. 自治区经协办具体负责对引进境内区外资金的奖励;
- In addition, 5 officers attended 4 courses in China, and 3 officers went on familiarization visits to some parts of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Sichuan Province respectively. 此外,有5名专业人员前往内地修读4个课程,而另3名人员参加熟悉内地事务探访团,分别前往广西壮族自治区及四川省的部份地区探访。
- The area code of our city is 0593. 我们市的电话区号是0593。
- This paper reviews the important discovery of human fossils and cultural remains of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in 20th century, it including four Gigantopithecus sites, thirteen late Homo sapiens fossil sites and a series of old stone tools. 文章回顾 2 0世纪以来 ,在广西发现的重要古人类化石和文化遗物 ,包括 4个巨猿化石地点、13个晚期智人化石地点以及一系列旧石器。
- City Code of Xinjiang Uygur Aotonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区城市区号
- Since the 50 years of establishment of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, though experienced zigzag and crucifixion, the Ethnological research has still obtained the plentiful and substantial harvest. 广西壮族自治区成立50年来,民族学研究虽然经历了曲折的发展历程,但仍然取得了丰硕成果。
- A secular law, rule, or code of law. 世俗法规世俗的法律、制度或法典
- On the Fortieth Anniversary Ceremony of Guangxi Zhuang Zu Autonomous District, “Fu Shan Pickled Plum” was appointed as elective products of the Central Delegation and Art Organization. 在广西壮族自治区成立四十周年大庆时,“浮山正宗话梅”被指定为中央代表团、艺术团选用产品。
- I can break the code of this box. 我能破译这个箱子的密码。
- Students must observe the code of the school. 学生必须遵守校规。
- Library of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 广西壮族自治区图书馆
- Audit Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 广西壮族自治区审计厅