- One of the most famous places in ancient Rome was the Circus Maximus. 古罗马最著名的地方之一就是马克西姆斯大赛场。
- The original Sol, or Sol Indiges, had an annual sacrifice and shrines on the Quirinal and in the Circus Maximus. 原来的索尔(本土索尔),每年都要在奎林那尔(Quirinal)山上和大竞技场举行祭祀。
- Previous roadshows have seen Renault's car running in Moscow's Red Square, at the Circus Maximus in Rome and on the banks of the Bosphorus in Turkey. 在以前的公路表演赛中,雷诺的赛车曾经来到过莫斯科的红场,罗马的大角斗场和土耳其博斯普鲁斯的大堤上。
- After Ann and Joe left Colosseum, crossing through Venice Square buy autobike, they reached Santa Maria in Cosmedin near the Circus Maximus. 乔和安妮公主离开竞技场,骑着摩托车穿过威尼斯广场,在制造了一连串的有惊无险的车祸后,来到了位于万神庙附近的科斯梅迪圣母教堂。
- Our family reunions are always three ring circus. 我家合家团聚的场面总是热闹非凡。
- She enjoyed herself to the utmost at the circus. 她观看马戏快活得无以复加。
- Many boys and girls tailed after the circus parade. 许多男孩子和女孩子跟在马戏团游行队伍的後面。
- The fascinations of the circus are endless. 马戏表演非常吸引人。
- The circus manager snapped his whip. 马戏团主管把鞭子抽得很响。
- He is an animal trainer for the circus. 他是马戏团的驯兽师。
- She took the children to the circus. 她带孩子们去看马戏。
- He performs riding stunts in the circus. 他在马戏团表演骑马绝技。
- He put up a poster advertising the circus. 他贴了一张宣传马戏团的海报。
- The horses trotted around the circus ring. 马绕着马戏场小跑。
- Circus Maximus 大赛马场; n.;罗马的大竞技场
- It is a three ring circus to watch that silly dog play. 看那只笨狗表演就像看马戏似的。
- The circus clowns dashed buckets of white wash over each other. 马戏团的小丑们相互将一桶桶白涂料倒向对方。
- Given half a chance I'd give up my present job and join a circus. 假使有一点机会,我也要辞去现在的工作去参加马戏团。
- He pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to the circus. 他请求他母亲答应他去看马戏。
- The acrobat grimace at the children during the circus performance. 那杂技艺人在马戏表演时对孩子们做鬼脸。