- Cinerous Mournern. 烟灰悲雀
- People wore crapes to mourn our leader. 人们戴着黑纱哀悼我们的领导。
- We mourn for our fallen soldiers. 我们哀悼阵亡的兵士。
- The detective posed as a mourner at the victim's funeral. 那侦探佯装成吊唁者参加了受害人的葬礼。
- "Don't mourn for me. Organize!" These were his last words. "不要为我悲痛,组织起来!"这就是他最后的遗言。
- We all mourn the destruction of a well-loved building. 我们都为毁掉心爱的建筑物而痛惜。
- We all mourn the destruction of the building. 我们对这所建筑物的破坏都感到痛心。
- The mother mourn for a dead child. 母亲为已死的孩子悲伤。
- I really mourn the loss of that gold watch. 我真为失掉那块金表惋惜。
- Let the whirlwind mourn its requiem. 任由旋风哀唱其挽歌。
- The children mourn the loss of their mother. 孩子们哀悼他们母亲的逝世。
- This is so exciting.My first mourner! |真是紧张,我第一个追悼者!
- I mourn for my love,I'll be chief mourner. 我将当主祭,为吾爱哀悼。
- Funeral Speaker: Don't mourn Joe Strumble. 葬礼司仪:不要为乔·图伯感到悲伤。
- Mourn for us in haste, and replace us with speed. 快快为我们哭一场,快快为我们找替身吧。
- Rome today to mourn the Pope's death. 汉娜:我知道,有篇报导说,超过一百万人今天齐聚罗马,哀悼教宗。
- We mourn over the child's death. 我们悲悼这孩子的死。
- They mourn the passing of a simpler way of life. 他们对逝去的较为淳朴的生活感到惋惜。
- They mourn over the old man's death. 他们哀悼老人的去世。
- Men mourn for what they have lost. 男人为失去的东西而痛心。