- Chuba Ointmetn 除疤膏
- People in their daily lives wear the long-sleeve "Chuba", which adds charm to the "Yishunbian" dance. 由于日常生活中人们都穿着长袖的"楚巴"(藏式长袍),舞蹈中更增添了"一顺边"的美
- People in their daily lives wear the long.sleeve "Chuba", which adds charm to the "Yishunbian" dance. 由于日常生活中人们都穿着长袖的"楚巴"(藏式长袍),舞蹈中更增添了"一顺边"的美
- In addition, the Spring Festival period from the first day to Chuba, a three day "Wa customs performance," and avoid international hotels in painting sinus Chuan Shan tickets. 此外,春节期间从初一到初八,每天有三场“佤族风情表演”,且入住奇峰国际酒店免窦圌山门票。
- Chuba each year in February, Naxi is the annual "North Korea White Water", the Naxi people in all directions to the pool here, song and dance, picnic, to pray for God's harvest next year. 每年二月初八,是纳西族一年一度的"朝白水"活动,四面八方的纳西族民众汇集到这里,歌舞、野餐,向神灵祈求来年的丰收。
- Monks in crimson robes, men wearing formal Tibetan chuba tunics and women in traditional dresses gathered for an opening ceremony on Monday where musicians blew Tibetan horns and beat large drums. 僧侣们身披深红色长袍,男人们穿着正式的西藏康巴袍,女人们身着传统服装,他们汇聚一堂,共同参加周一的开幕式。开幕式上,乐手们吹着藏号,打着大鼓。
- April Chuba To address Ying-Muni Fo Christmas Day; 慈云寺有固定活动日期:正月十五日为灯游会;
- " Each of the old calendar February Chuba, Naxi have held a grand rally in the North Yuemiao "3 Day" to pay respects to the national will of God. 每年旧历二月初八,纳西族都要在北岳庙隆重举行“三朵节”,以拜祭这位民族神将。
- Chuba, 17th century; Qing dynasty (1644-1911) Cut velvet with patterned wefts of multicolored silks, gold-wrapped silk, and peacock-feather filaments; W. 55 in. (139.7 cm 藏袍。从一件丝绒汉族袍服改制而成,这在西藏很常见。丝线彩绣,孔雀金线装饰。
- Chuba 丘巴