- Chu doom Qin 亡秦必楚
- People sent the criminal to his doom. 人们将这个罪犯处死。
- The dictator met his doom after ten years of rule. 独裁者统治了十年终於完蛋了。
- Condemnation to everlasting punishment; doom. 永灭,定罪永久惩罚的判决; 判罪
- Pessimist tells us that the family as we know it is doom. 悲观主义者告诉我们说,我们现在的这种家庭注定要崩溃。
- It was completely hopeless. They had to await their doom. 希望已绝,他们只能坐以待毙了。
- Qin wiped out all the monarchs, but only the descendents of Chu remained as the King of Dian. 秦灭诸侯,唯楚苗裔尚有滇王。
- An inexorable opponent; a feeling of inexorable doom. 一个冷漠的对手; 对无情毁灭的预感
- Yaoceqiu and Chaonaqiu were the two holy places which the state of Qin “imprecated the state of Chu”. 古要册湫唐宋时曾以“灵异”著称,亦可证其在先秦时是与朝那湫并列的秦人“诅楚”告神之地。
- Finally Chu Huaiwang is gone to by Qin Guoyou, imprisons dies in theQin country. 结果楚怀王被秦国诱去,囚死在秦国。
- By doing so he has signed his own doom. 他这样做就是注定了自己必然完蛋的命运。
- Five months later, the King of Qin sent his troops to invade Chu and occupied a large tract of its territory. 五个月之后,秦君果然派军入侵楚国,占领了大片土地。
- For Faulkner, the key-word is doom. 就福克纳而言,关键字眼是“劫数”。
- Ye Qingfeng, the word Qin statement, Faming net Italy, and other Department: Chu Daoke. 叶青峰,字秦言,法名净意,别署:楚刀客。
- They had to sleep out of doom that night. 那晚他们得睡在户外。
- After a moment Chu Kuei-ying followed him out. 朱桂英跟着也就出去。
- He served as military adviser to the army of Qin. 他担任秦国的军师。
- Chen Yueh-ngo and Chu Kuei-ying were both there. 陈月娥和朱桂英都在。
- The doom has no power on me longer. 那个对我的诅咒已经失败了。
- Empire Qin is found in B.C. 221. 秦帝国建于公元前221年。